Hello !
I want to setup a multichannel audio environment for use
together with software that synthesize the waveforms for
each channel.
My newest audio card is a "Hollywood@home 7.1" card based on the
ENVY24HT-S chip.
I have managed to use the card to output mono and/or stereo sound
under Slackware 10.1, but still want to find out if the card
supports the conversion of uncompressed multichannel audio (for
example 6 or 8 16-bit (or 24-bit) samples per frame from a FIFO
through operating system and hardware) into analog signals ?
If this is not possible with the internal DACs of the card, then
I hope that it at least will be possible through ALSA with external
DACs connected to the card's optical output, that seems to be of
a high speed kind and expected to support ADAT (a standard
established by Alesis, I think).
I am not so interested in encoding the audio in DTS or some
Dolby Multichannel format or simmilar, since i want the channels
to be handled independently. For example I do not want to label a speaker
as "left" or "right" and then select the speaker by assosiating a direction
to the sound. Instead I want to be able to assign D/A channels to MIDI file
tracks or MIDI channels and then placing the speakers there I want them
(not there any multichannel decoder expect them to be).
If I try to use several cards, then a lot of synchronization
problems need to be solved, to avoid divergation in FIFO usage
between cards and to maintain phase coherency. In addition to
arrangements, like pathing cards to use a common chrystal
oscilator and/or reserving some DAC-channels for synchronizaion
purposes, I also need to convince the motherboard to accept several
sound cards without causing problems during resource allocation
(for example around IRQ mapping) or distributing the cards between
several PCs connected together with maybe 100Mbps network cards.
When I have solved these questions, then I may have to think more
about the best algorithms to synthesize sound, by looking at
existing open source programs and/or implementing additive synthesis
with or without the use of FFT or some other optimized code.
I am new to this list, so please excuse me if the answers to my
questions are hidden in any recent messages in the archive.
Thanks in advance for feedback/answers !
Hans Davidson
Skicka gratis SMS!
first of all, sorry for the cross posting, but I thought the
topic is worth it.
Again, this year the Linuxtag will happen in Karlsruhe,
Germany. It's Europe's most important event concerning free,
especially Linux based software.
During the last years, Frank Neumann has politely organized an
audio booth there. Unfortunately, it can happen that he'll
not be able to do all management stuff this year again.
So, I'll try my very best to help out this year, otherwise we
wouldn't have a booth.
We're still looking for people who are interested in helping,
mainly being at the booth, answering questions and demoing
If you like to contribute, please let me know. For detailed
information about the Linuxtag see
or contact me via personal mail.
Best regards
>Andrew Burgess wrote:
>> Mine comes up as 102, I've had to edit the driver source in the
>> past to get it to work. Could you make sure 102 will work too?
>The firmware for IDs 0100 and 0102 is indeed the same.
>Editing drivers/usb/misc/emi26.c in the kernel source and replacing
>0x0100 with 0x0102, and then recompiling the kernel, should enable it
>to work.
Yep, thats what I did. I posted the note hoping you'd make it work for both
since you were going to look at the code anyway...
>From: David Cournapeau <cournape(a)enst.fr>
> I think I am not the only one here to have heard about so called '3d
>ray tracing cpu' (e.g:
Saarcor have earlier demonstrated their ray tracing graphics chips.
One of the screenshots featured Quake game; ray traced version.
People have also coded ray tracers on existing GPUs.
>I wondered if this can be used for audio technology, e.g RT reverbs,
>etc... Does anyone have an idea about the possible usage of this kind of
>chips for audio processing ?
If GPU cannot handle audio streams, it could be used to compute
the early reflections for fairly complicated buildings. Only
the reflection taps would be copied back from GPU. Both mirror
and ray tracing methods could be used. The final dense reverberation
should still be computed if mirror and ray tracing generates only
approximation, but that is easier with a lot of reflection taps.
for developers of open source graphics software
if anyone is interested here is a really trivial patch to terminatorX's
tX_mouse.cc file: it allows to trigger the turntables with the numeric
keypad (or you can just tweak the switch cases :) without having to
focus the specific turntable first during "grab mode"
i attach it here, its shorter than some signatures i've seen in some
other mailing lists :)))
ciao a tutti :)
Willy / BeHappy_
All this (depressing) talk of the various encumbered formats competing
to be the next CD standard reminded me of HDCD.
What's the deal with it? AFAICT it's another closed thing that we'll
never be able to support properly. The only media player that detects
my HDCDs is WMP of course.
>From: Alfons Adriaensen <fons.adriaensen(a)alcatel.be>
>The only limitation of not using MLP would be that you can't have six
>channels at 24/96.
Why not? Flac + open DVD-audio format for N channels.
for developers of open source graphics software
Hi there,
I think I am not the only one here to have heard about so called '3d
ray tracing cpu' (e.g:
http://graphics.stanford.edu/papers/rtongfx/rtongfx.pdf, and a recent
news on /. about some demos at CeBit ). There also were some emails here
about using GPU for sound synthesis recently, mainly about the
shortcomings of those technics (memory bandwidth problems, difference of
rate scales, if I understood corectly).
Unfortunately, I know nothing about computer graphics, I don't know
exactly what this ray tracing cpu technology is (maybe vaporware ?), but
I wondered if this can be used for audio technology, e.g RT reverbs,
etc... Does anyone have an idea about the possible usage of this kind of
chips for audio processing ?
This may be a general IPC question, but I feel lost so I thought you may help me
as you did in the past for some other issue.
In Jackbeat (written in C), I have the gui running in one thread (the gtk main
loop) and jack in its thread. Currently, when tracks get updated, the main loop
sends a message to the jack thread, and then waits for an acknowledgement. I
currently use syscalls (message queues) for these messages, but that's not my
point (I'll turn that later into syscall-free fifos).
Waiting for an ack from the jack thread has a consequence : it locks the gui for
a brief moment, which seems to drive my spin buttons mad : when clicked they
will sometimes step the value by 1, sometimes 2, etc...
Additionally, I think the gui should never lock, for confort. So I though about
a "shadow" data structure. It would act as a intermediary area between my two
The jack thread runs into what I call a "sequence". When processing sound it
relies on a structure called sequence_t. I'm about to add a new member to this
structure, called shadow, which would actually be of the sequence_t type itself.
This nested shadow structure would never be accessed by the jack thread. The
public sequence functions could safely update this shadow, so that the gui can
read from it anytime without any latency.
Message queues would still be used to let the jack thread update itself the
"real" sequence. This is where would reside some latency : waiting for the jack
thread to get in sync. But the gui would never lock.
I'm not sure this is a very clear description, but do you have any advice about
this kind of issue ? Is my idea a good one ?
>The firmware wasn't loaded.
>> ok. this is the output of lsusb after I modprobed emi26:
>> Bus 004 Device 002: ID 086a:0102 Emagic Soft-und Hardware GmbH
>The emi26 module expects the device to have product ID 0100. It seems
>you have a new hardware revision.
>I'll see if I can update the emi26 driver.
Mine comes up as 102, I've had to edit the driver source in the
past to get it to work. Could you make sure 102 will work too?
athlon:aab > lsusb|grep -i emagic
Bus 001 Device 005: ID 086a:0102 Emagic Soft-und Hardware GmbH