Linux-audio-dev May 2005
  • 90 participants
  • 70 discussions

Re: [linux-audio-dev] 3D fft analysis program
by Downer
18 years, 8 months

[linux-audio-dev] Drum synth
by Dmitry Baikov
18 years, 8 months

[linux-audio-dev] Re: Drum synth
by Juhana Sadeharju
18 years, 8 months

[linux-audio-dev] Re: lad design patterns
by Juhana Sadeharju
18 years, 11 months

[linux-audio-dev] jack.el -- Run and monitor JACK from within Emacs
by Mario Lang
19 years, 6 months

[linux-audio-dev] Best-performing Linux-friendly MIDI interfaces?
by Jay Vaughan
19 years, 7 months

[linux-audio-dev] some new soundfiles on-line
by Dave Phillips
19 years, 7 months

[linux-audio-dev] ANN: set_rtlimits for PAM-less systems and perhaps others
by Jonathan Woithe
19 years, 7 months

[linux-audio-dev] [ANNOUNCE] qjacklam V0.3 with 2 Jack Clients & table Widget
by Karsten Wiese
19 years, 7 months

[linux-audio-dev] ANN: Oscilloscope plugin 0.2.1
by Lars Luthman
19 years, 7 months
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