Hi folks,
I try to get my head around a basic problem, and I don't manage to
get around it: how to adapt to variable sized blocks of samples given by
a ladspa or jack host/server to an existing, fixed length block
processing algorithm, for example a N points fft. AFAIK, the ring buffer
is the standart tool to solve this problem, but I don't understand how
this helps ?
I tried to read the source of jamin, which implements this kind of
scheme in io.c, but I couldn't manage to get the whole thing.
I would be glad to hear any hint about the right way to use
ringbuffer for this task,
>From: fons adriaensen <fons.adriaensen(a)skynet.be>
>On Thu, May 19, 2005 at 08:57:24PM +0300, Juhana Sadeharju wrote:
>> Yes. The priority should depend on the buffer size.
>> Longer buffers would run with non-soft-RT schdulers.
>That problem is really the same as what you get with partitioned
That was the problem which did lead me to develop the system
a few year ago. Any hardware can be used in the system for
lowest latencies. (hw -- RT Linux or soft-RT -- user scheduling)
for developers of open source graphics software
You just have to install the package configure script want : ligsigc++-1.2
Here is a list of all deps:
gstreamer-dev >=0.8
gstreamer-0.8-plugins (for all file operations)
Le Jeudi 26 Mai 2005 15:37, vous avez écrit :
> On Thu, 2005-05-26 at 14:31 +0200, Raoul wrote:
> > It's the same links than before, the old one is just removed from the
> > website...
> > Here is tyhe direct link :
> > http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/wavemixer/wavemixer-0.3.tar.bz2?downlo
> >ad
> This is better. Now I end up with:
> Package sigc++-1.2 was not found in the pkg-config search path.
> Perhaps you should add the directory containing `sigc++-1.2.pc'
> to the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable
> No package 'sigc++-1.2' found
> configure: error: Package requirements (sigc++-1.2 >= 1.2.3) were not
> met.
> Ehrmm .. Next?
Raoul Hecky
Hi ryan,
All these bugs and mistakes comes from an old release of wavemixer (0.2)
It should be ok if you install the latest package (0.3) available here :
Le Mercredi 25 Mai 2005 18:23, vous avez écrit :
> Further testing reveals some oddities.
> 1) I can only run waveMixer as root, if I run it as a normal user it
> segfaults
> 2) the UI is not in english
> 3) the preferences option in the window doesn't do anything (brings up
> no dialog or window when clicked)
> 4) double clicking a directory, clicking "home" or entering a path in
> the file browser results in a crash:
> "*** glibc detected *** double free or corruption (!prev): 0x08109470 ***
> Aborted"
> 5) dragging a wave from nautilus results in the progress bar moving
> about 1/4 of the way then nothing else happens, the program locks up
> 6) dragging an mp3 results in a crash:
> "*** glibc detected *** free(): invalid pointer: 0x08109d50 ***
> Aborted"
> So basically I've not been able to so much as load a file. I'm running
> gentoo and built waveMix from source, I can provide any additional
> information needed.
> I'm not sure what could be wrong on my end, no other apps crash this way
> for me. Anyway, I'm still interested in seeing this thing work as it
> seems to be heading toward a wavelab replacement.
> -ry
BEAST/BSE version 0.6.6, BSE-ALSA version 0.6.6 and BSE-PortAudio
version 0.6.6 are available for download at:
This is a development version of BEAST/BSE, the BEdevilled Audio SysTem
and the Bedevilled Sound Engine. BEAST is a powerful music composition
and modular synthesis application released as free software under the
GNU GPL and GNU LGPL, that runs under unix. BSE-ALSA is an ALSA driver
and BSE-PortAudio is an experimental PortAudio driver for BSE.
The project is hosted at:
A mailing list is available at:
GUI skins, example sounds and instrumets for BEAST/BSE as well as
screenshots can be found at:
This development series of BEAST has a lot of the internals redone,
many new GUI features and a sound generation back-end separated
from all GUI activities.
Outstanding new features include support for skins, many sample
file formats, MIDI file import abilities, an improved piano roll
widget, the track editor which allows for easy selection of
synthesisers or samples as track sources, loop support in songs,
mixer support, unlimited Undo/Redo capabilities and MIDI automation.
Overview of Changes in BEAST/BSE 0.6.6:
* Improved error messages
* Improved script handling
* Implemented translation of scheme script strings
* Fixed closing of unsaved projects
* Fixed project Save vs. Save As behaviour
* Fixed localized numbers being written to .bse files
* Fixed sample embedding in .bse files (0.6.5 did not store all samples)
* Fixed stale header files, left out by make uninstall
* Rewrote message dialogs and message mechanisms
* Ported MIDI event recording script to new BSE core
* Updated Canadian English translation [Adam Weinberger]
* Updated Czech translation [Miloslav Trmac]
* Updated Italian translation [Petrecca Michele]
* Updated Spanish translation [Francisco Javier F. Serrador]
* Added Basque translation [Hizkuntza Politikarako Sailburuordetza]
Overview of Changes in BSE-ALSA 0.6.6:
* Build fixes for BEAST-0.6.6
Overview of Changes in BSE-PortAudio 0.6.6:
* Build fixes for BEAST-0.6.6
* Plugged memory leaks
* Fixed error handling
I think that would be a non-standard extension of the current practice and wouldn't be understood by current parsers.
-----Original Message-----
From: Jens M Andreasen <jens.andreasen(a)chello.se>
Sent: May 25, 2005 3:16 AM
The Linux Audio Developers' Mailing List <linux-audio-dev(a)music.columbia.edu>
Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] LADSPA Issues
On Mon, 2005-05-23 at 16:03 +0100, Nick Dowell wrote:
> Good idea.
> reverse - domain name type addresses are used quite widely now, in Java
> for example and in all apple's latest stuff.
> eg "uk.org.plugin.analogueOsc"
Can we have a unique divider between the domain and product?
.. are in java both represented as
Having instead, say
.. would resolve this (minor) issue.
> combined with a version number, you can correctly identify plugins no
> matter their filename..
> -n
> On 20 May 2005, at 14:19, Steve Harris wrote:
> > Or, we could use a system thats been demonstrated to work really
> > well...
> > http://www.w3.org/Addressing/
LinuxSampler [1] is a modular, streaming capable sampler. It was designed
decoupled from any user interface, that is as sampler backend which can be
controlled via network connection from an arbitrary place, using a custom,
ASCII based protocol called LSCP [2].
[1] http://www.linuxsampler.org
[2] http://www.linuxsampler.org/documentation.html
Focus of this first release was an adequate support of the Gigasampler format,
including experimental support for the new Gigasampler v3 format. For a
complete list what is already covered and what is not, check the features
site [3].
[3] http://www.linuxsampler.org/features.html
Planned next:
* strong synthesis optimizations
* support for further sampler formats
* instrument database system
* implementation of further control interfaces like OSC [4]
* SMP and network cluster support
* as ports to other OSs are already on the pipe, maybe a new name :P
You might want to use QSampler [5] as convenient graphical frontend to
LinuxSampler. You can get everything from the downloads site [6].
[4] http://www.cnmat.berkeley.edu/OpenSoundControl/
[5] http://qsampler.sourceforge.net
[6] http://www.linuxsampler.org/downloads.html
Hi all,
A while ago I started a thread about the proper way to refer to LADSPA
plugins (in save files or whatever) and the consensus was library
filename + label.
People have been having problems with library name - different packages
seem to make different names for the libraries (prefixing blop_, for
example) so it doesn't always work. Basically I think using shared
library file name is an awful way to reference plugins for numerous
So why wasn't the unique ID the thing to use? There is a unique plugin
ID in LADSPA, if not for this then for what reason?
In a similar vein, I really think the current system for LADSPA
distribution sucks - big tarballs from various devs containing heaps of
completely unrelated plugins. A centralized site where plugins can be
submitted on their own (or in related groups) would be a great thing,
IMO, and would make it easy to verify that unique IDs are in fact unique
to solve the above problem.
Right now if a developer wants to make just one random plugin, they
don't really have a sane way of getting it out there. I'm willing to
full-time maintain the site, but I don't really have the
hosting/abilities to create it. What do the other plugin authors think
about this? Is there a web nerd around with the
time/hosting/inclination to build the site? It doesn't need to be
fancy, just functional.
After a long time laying in the backyard, QSynth 0.2.3 is being released
to the world :)
Qsynth is a Qt GUI front-end application to the excellent fluidsynth
soundfont2 engine.
You can check it out, right away from:
The fine print goes like there's no really big new features on this. After
all its only a minor dot-realease. As you may find from reading the
changelog, there's a:
- New option for system tray icon and menu, which is known to be effective
on KDE enabled desktops; support for freedesktop.org's system tray
protocol specification has been included so this maybe also effective on
- Setup options for alternate MIDI and Audio devices were introduced.
- Output level meters get smoother and slightly layout optimized.
- Set to ignore the SIGPIPE ("Broken pipe") signal, where available, as
the default handler is usually fatal when a JACK client is zombified
- Messages window limit is now enforced only when the line count exceeds
in one third the user configured line count maximum; if Qt 3.2.0+ is in
use, the QTextView widget is otherwise set to the optimized Qt::LogText
- Updated Mac OS X build instructions (README-OSX, by Ebrahim Mayat).
That's it.
rncbc aka Rui Nuno Capela
Hi all!
I want to present you wavemixer. It is a multitracks sound editor written with
Gtkmm/Gstreamer. You can edit many file formats like Ogg/vorbis, mp3, wav,
sound parts of video files, ...
File editing in wavemixer is very simple because it's done only with drag'n
This software allows two principal uses:
- Sample editing: cut/copy/paste, application of effects (LADSPA)
- Mixing mutliples samples on tracks
Wavemixer is a young software, but this release already allows to make many
modifications, in a simple and useful way, like cutting of an audio file,
sound mixing between some samples, etc...
Actually, some package for debian, mandriva and fedora are available from the
website (http://wavemixer.sourceforge.net)
To have all the functionalities of wavemixer, it is necessary to install a
maximum of Gstreamer plugins, this makes it possible to support a maximum of
sound format. Gstreamer allows to automatically launch the previewing feature
of samples in the file explorer and also to load/encode the sound files.
Raoul Hecky