Linux-audio-dev June 2007
  • 47 participants
  • 31 discussions

[OT] PhD Scholarships | Multimedia Signal Processing | TU Berlin, Germany
by Jan Weil
17 years, 9 months

TetraMic calibration for Linux users
by Fons Adriaensen
17 years, 9 months

Fw: [LAD] Total and Agerage RMS power calculation
by chandrashekhar singh
17 years, 9 months

simulating analog audio devices part II
by Robin Gareus
17 years, 9 months

phat dev list.
by Loki Davison
17 years, 9 months

[ANNOUNCE] AMS 1.8.9 beta 0: CVS-Head ported to qt4
by Karsten Wiese
17 years, 9 months

PG Studentship - Glasgow University
by Nick Bailey
17 years, 9 months

Deadline extension: Audio Mostly 2007 - 2nd Conference on Interaction with Sound
by Marc-Olivier Barre
17 years, 9 months

Debconf7 archives
by Eric Dantan Rzewnicki
17 years, 9 months

jack disconnecting my app
by Conrad Berhörster
17 years, 9 months
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