Dear All,
The following position may be of interest to you.
Please forward to anyone interested. Apologies in case of double
==== About the Barcelona Media Audio Group ====
Fundacio Barcelona Media (BM) is a research centre created to foster the
competitiveness of the Catalan and Spanish media and communication
industry through innovative research activities and projects. BM
promotes technology generation and development; research and creativity;
transfer of research results to industry; promotion of the research
results to society at large; training in all areas of communication; and
social awareness of the communication industry in a culture of
The Audio Group research embraces the whole chain of audiovisual
productions, focusing specially on 3D surround sound technologies, from
capturing, to post-production, to exhibition. Two main general goals are
to automatize the capture and post-production workflow by automatic
audio adaptation to given 3D scenes, and to make it easily adaptable to
any final exhibition system (surround 5.1, 7.1, 22.2, binaural or 3D
stereo, etc.).
Audio group home page:
==== Profile ====
We are looking for one or more experienced software engineers with
experience in real-time audio processing.
The candidate should preferably have a degree on Computer Science,
although other profiles might be taken into account.
==== Required skills ====
* Real-time programming techniques: lock-free multi-threading
programming, synchronisation of events from different clocks,
* Digital audio processing techniques.
* Software-engineering practices for developing large software
systems: Design patterns, agile methodologies such as simple
design, refactoring and automatic testing. In general, a keen
sense for the aesthetics of code, documentation and interfaces.
and thoroughness in all aspects of software development.
* The ability and willingness to work with a team, communicate
well, adhere to standards, share code ownership, use versioning
systems, etc.
* Programming languages: Proficiency in C++, but also C and Python
* Operating systems: GNU/Linux and Mac OS X
==== Other valuable skills ====
* Experience with real-time audio environments (PureData, Max/MSP,
Supercollider, Faust, CLAM, etc.)
* Plugin development experience with architectures such as:
LADSPA, LV2, VST, Audio Units and Protools RTAS.
* Experience with communication protocols such as OSC and MIDI.
* Experience with time-code protocols such as LTC, MTC and MMC
* Knowledge in acoustics technologies
* Knowledge in audio and video streaming codecs and architectures.
* 3D modeling: Blender or Maya or 3D studio
* Qt graphical toolkit
* Scons build system
* Knowledge in electronics
==== What we offer ====
We offer an opportunity to work in one exciting and creative project
related to 3D audio for cinema. The job also includes developing systems
for 3D audio exhibition, post-production and interaction, with
applications ranging from 3D digital cinema, to sports broadcasting, and
video-games. Salary will depend on experience and skills.
Side opportunities: perform strategic research in a new promising
domain, work in a small-medium young and multidisciplinary including
physicists, software engineers and sound designers, collaborate with
people from the industry and from other academic research groups,
establish contacts with the international audio research community
through the attendance to international conferences, etc.
==== How to apply ====
To apply, send email to jobs(a) / cc:
toni.mateos(a), pau.arumi(a) with the
subject "Audio job"
* A brief presentation letter stating your interest in the offer.
* A CV
* Optionally, code samples (non open-source samples will be
treated confidentially)
==== More background about Barcelona Media ====
BM grew from the Communication Station set up by Universitat Pompeu
Fabra in 2001. It is a member of the Catalan and Spanish network of
Technology Centres, and is the only one devoted to the Media sector.
BM’s trustees are representatives of the Media industry, the Catalan
Government, Barcelona City and four universities. BM has an extremely
strong record in European collaborative R&D and Innovation projects,
both as partner and coordinator. BM is currently involved in 14 EU
funded research projects in information and communication technologies
with over 5 million € EC funding. BM was coordinator of an FP6 IP and 2
STREPs, including IP-RACINE which researched and developed digital
cinema technologies ‘from scene to screen’. It is now coordinating the
FP7 ICT IP 2020 3D Media, developing 3D digital cinema and home
entertainment. Other directly relevant projects are IP SALERO
(‘intelligent content’ objects with context-aware behaviours), SEMEDIA
(Search Environments for MEDIA) and FP5 SPEED-FX (very high resolution
real-time graphic interaction for digital cinema).
guitarix is a simple Linux Rock Guitar amplifier and is designed
to achieve nice thrash/metal/rock/blues guitar sounds.
guitarix uses the Jack Audio Connection Kit as its audio backend
and brings to the jack audio graph a mono amplifier input/output port,
and a FX mono input with two (stereo) output ports.
guitarix provide a jack midi input port to connect a midi controller
(midi learn) and a (3 channel) jack midi output port, feed by a
(scalable) mix of the tuner and a beat-detector.
Release 0.09.0 comes with following changes :
* make distortion a multiband distortion
* fix bug in resample IR-files
* resample IR-files now on-the-fly
* add insert point ports to the effect chain
* add --optimization flag for configure the build
* switch to double precision instead of single precision
* fix bug in reconfigure convolver when preset change
* add patch from Peder Hedlund, build against gtk-2.12.9 and gcc-4.3.1
* add faust 0.9.24 to the "good_faust_versions"
have fun
NOTE:// Andreas have found and solved a bug in the IR-file resampler,
that means that all the files you have resampled with guitarix, are
"NOT RESAMPLED", only the header was change.
To get rid of this, please remove the resampled files and rename the
files with the extension .orig (remove .orig)
That sucks, sorry for that.
guitarix is licensed under the GPL.
Project page with screenshots:
please report bugs and suggestions in our forum here:
here is a nice YouTube video about what you can do with guitarix:
(Thanks stevie :-))
For capture, guitarix uses the great 'jack_capture'
(version >= 0.9.30) written by Kjetil S. Matheussen.
If you don't have it installed,
you can look here:
For extra Impulse Responses, guitarix uses the
zita-convolver library, and,
for up/down sampling we use zita-resampler,
both written by Fons Adriaensen.
If you don't have it installed, get it here:
We use the marvellous faust compiler to build the amp and effects and will say
thanks to
: Julius Smith
: Albert Graef
: Yann Orlary
For faust users :
All used Faust dsp files are included in /guitarix/src/faust,
the resulting cc files are in /guitarix/src/faust-cc
The tools we use to convert (post-processing and plot)
the resulting faust cpp files to the needed include format,
stay in the /guitarix/tools directory.
Hermann Meyer, James Warden, Andreas Degert
Hello all!
I just got back into asterisk, the big telephony pbx system. It has a JACK
module, which is very helpful to me, as it allows me to use asterisk with its
cLI to be my telephone. Since I found no other commandline telephone
supporting JACK, this is the only way to get there.
So asterisk has a small module (1025 lines, including comments), that allows
to use JACK. But unfortunitely the programmer of that module has no more time
to develop it. So he wrote on the list today.
Now I was wondering if anyone of you might be willing to help out here.
There are a few people how like to use this module and I'm not the only one,
who ends up frustrated. :-(
So here are a few links:
I uploaded app_jack.c to my site:
I also uploaded libresample - which I think it relies upon:
The latest asterisk can be downloaded here:…
Basic Developer resources (coding guidelines, etc.) can be found here:
The author of the JACK module has written an article, on how to write a
module for asterisk, so one can understand the basic structure. It can be
found through this link:
(If you're in a hurry, directly search for "part 1").
That's the best I could find for a starter. I think app_jack relies on
libresample, which is somehow connected with asterisk. Beyond that I suppose
it's pure JACK and asterisk basic structure.
Is anyone here willing to help in some way? Please?
Kindest regards
Music was my first love and it will be my last (John Miles)
======== FIND MY WEB-PROJECT AT: ========
the Linux TextBased Studio guide
======= AND MY PERSONAL PAGES AT: =======
Unfortunately, due to a problem with the server the nekosynth subversion
server was on, I suspect I may have lost all the source to nekobee,
nekostring et al. I don't even have a recent copy checked out of svn.
The problem has come about because the hosting company stopped invoicing
me for the hosting, and bouncing any mail sent to them. It may also be
that I need to email them in Finnish, but I don't speak the language. I
don't know. The server went down some time ago, but came back up
without SSH or svn access, so I wasn't able to pull off any backups.
If there's anyone fluent in Finnish who fancies having a go at getting
in touch with Seclan to discuss the problem, please contact me off-list.
Gordon MM0YEQ
Hey all,
I've been pondering lately about loading sessions with Linux Audio, and
realized that
I would find it particularly useful if I could load an LMMS project file
into Ardour, and then
proceed to move that into QTractor, and do my last mastering in Audacity.
As things stand, this is possible, but it requires exporting .wav files,
importing them to Ardour, then
positioning them, doing what you need to do, and proceed to export them
again to move them to another program.
I'm hoping to get opinions if dev's think it may be a good idea to try and
standardize a common "file-type" or "project file"
across Linux Audio Apps.
Eg: Programs support a filetype which is known as a .lap
(LinuxAudioProject..?), and would contain all the MIDI clips,
.wav files, synth settings etc etc across the project. (even JACK output
Open to opinions... -Harry
Hi everyone,
a Jackbeat user is currently trying to use TouchOSC, an iPhone app, as a
controller, and there is a need to translate in/out OSC messages.
I have looked at TouchOSC messages, and the translation is nothing like
straightforward. There is a so-called BeatMachine[1] controller in TouchOSC,
which looks like a drum machine, but in the messages that it sends:
1. the track order is reversed, the first track being at the bootom
2. the indexes are one-based in TouchOSC, and zero-based in Jackbeat
3. the track/beat position is transmitted as a path element instead of a value
The fact that some translation is needed between OSC units is quite normal to
me, but I would like to try and follow some wide-spread practices, if any, maybe
refactoring the Jackbeat OSC dialect, to make such translation easier.
I originally looked at some Monome messages docs[2], and that's the reason for
2. and 3. above. The point 1. seems absolutely odd to me however.
Now, there's another thing: currently Jackbeat features quite a few OSC
methods/commands but little OSC events[3]. This forbids using search an external
controller as some kind of UI replacement. For instance, volume sliders can be
controlled, but no event is sent when they change. One of the reason for this
lack is that I was unsure about the right protocol to choose..
So, in TouchOSC, input and output messages seem to always be symmetrical, which
looks like a clever and intuitive design to me. For instance, a slider both
sends and receives messages at /1/fader1 (example). And you just can't setup a
different prefix for in and out.
Once again, this isn't the way Monome is doing it: it sends /40h/press, and
receives at /40h/led.
So I'm a bit confused. What would be ideal is to follow some kind of practices
and/or standard, so that, in many cases, translation is only a matter of
changing OSC prefixes. And if that's not realistic, then I would like to avoid
some of the inconsistencies listed above with tools as TouchOSC and such.
Is there any such standard or common/recommended practices?
The MiniComputer softsynth has problems building on many distros when
fltk-1.x is installed alongside fltk2, and/or the #include directories
don't match where MiniComputer expects them to be and so the build fails
at the configuration stage.
In an effort to fix this quite long standing problem, I've adapted the
SConstruct to use fltk-config and pkg-config to solve these problems.
If you have problems building MiniComputer replace the SConstruct that
comes with MiniComputer with the following file (obviously rename it to
SConstruct first):
It works for me on Gentoo (using accept keyword ~amd64).
I posted here because:
1) I saw similar questions without answers on the list in the past.
2) I've spent several hours getting this to work so people might benefit
from it.
3) I'm a python/scons newbie and hope that those of you with better
knowledge can check it for problems (I've only got this to work by using
Google, trial, and error).