Thanks guys!
I actually tried j2a but now i realise that i forgot the -e option to
expose the hw ports. Doh!
I'll give it another try tonight.
On 9 Dec 2011 00:12, "Harry van Haaren" <harryhaaren(a)> wrote:
Hello Thijs,
I think you might be under the impression that FFADO MIDI and ALSA MIDI are
roughly the same, they're not...
FFADO is a backend that you can run JACK on top of. If you run JACK with
the FFADO as the "driver", then JACK will be able to send MIDI commands to
your Saffire. ALSA MIDI is a totally different "MIDI".
The upside: There's a program "a2jmidi" which will put all your ALSA MIDI
ports into the JACK MIDI graph, then you can connect any ALSA MIDI out to
JACK MIDI in, and vice versa.
"a2jmidid" is the name of the package on debian based systems.
Running is usually most benificial like so:
a2jmidid -e &
so that it keeps scanning the ALSA MIDI graph for changes, and will update
the JACK MIDI ports available.
Good luck! -Harry
On Thu, Dec 8, 2011 at 9:57 PM, thijs van severen <thijsvanseveren(a)>
> >
> > Hi all
> >
> > i'm trying to use 'amidi' to send a simple midi message to the midi out
> port of my fi...
> _______________________________________________
> Linux-audio-dev mailing list
> Linux-audio-dev(a)
Hi all
i'm trying to use 'amidi' to send a simple midi message to the midi out
port of my firewire (FFADO backend) audio device. a Saffire LE.
to do this i simply need to specify the port i want to send the data to,
however i can only select one of the ALSA midi devices listed under
/dev/snd/ and the firewire midi ports are all Jack midi ports and thus not
listed here.
but where are these listed ?
or should i be doing things differently ?
follow me on my Audio & Linux blog <> !
Hello all,
First release of zita-dpl1. Look-ahead digital peak limiter.
1-16 channels (highest one determines gain reduction).
More at <>.
Enjoy !
Vor uns liegt ein weites Tal, die Sonne scheint - ein Glitzerstrahl.
> And ...
> Checking for 'g++' (c++ compiler) : /usr/bin/g++
> Checking for program pkg-config : /usr/bin/pkg-config
> Checking for 'lv2-plugin' >= 1.0.4 : yes
> Checking for 'lv2-gui' >= 1.0.4 : not found
> The packages are installed and come from one package so if it finds one, it
> should also find the other!
Hmmm, that's a weird one!
My only explanation is that you have the file
/usr/lib/pkgconfig/lv2-plugin.pc but not
Could you check on your system?
Btw, what distribution do you use?
>From my side, I'm not even sure I need to check for both libraries in
my wscript... As you said, they come from the same lv2-c++-tools
Thanks for the feedback anyway :)
Hello all,
Trying out Ardour3 but I'm blocked...
I deep-copied an existing A2 session, paradiso-2, to /audio/ardour3-sessions.
But A3 complains that it can't find the audio files in
which is the right place, and the files are there.
Vor uns liegt ein weites Tal, die Sonne scheint - ein Glitzerstrahl.
Hi all,
I'm glad to announce the release of NASPRO 0.3.0.
NASPRO ( is meant to be a cross-platform
sound processing software architecture built around the LV2 plugin
standard (
The goal of the project is to develop a series of tools to make it
easy and convenient to use LV2 for sound processing on any (relevant)
platform and for everybody: end users, host developers, plugin
developers, distributors and scientists/researchers.
This release introduces a new simple command line effect processor
using LV2 plugins called LV2proc, adds experimental translation of
DSSI programs to LV2 presets, breaks the API of lower level libraries
to make them slimmer and more efficient, and includes as usual
bugfixing and improvements here and there. You can find detailed
ChangeLogs in the tarballs.
It includes:
NASPRO core: the portable runtime library at the bottom of the architecture;
NASPRO Bridge it: a little helper library to develop
insert-your-API-here to LV2 bridges;
NASPRO bridges: a collection of bridges to LV2 which, once
installed, allow you to use plugins developed for other plugin
standards in LV2 hosts;
LV2proc: a simple command line effect processor using LV2 plugins.
In particular, the NASPRO bridges collection includes two bridges: a
LADSPA ( 1.1 and a DSSI
( 1.0.0/1.1.0 bridge.
NASPRO core, NASPRO Bridge it and NASPRO bridges are released under
the LGPL 2.1, while LV2proc is released under the GPL 3.
Hello everyone,
I just posted a new version of the AMS LV2 plugins:
The main change from the version 0.0.3 is a embeded GUI for the VCO.
As a reminder, these LV2 plugins are a porting of the AMS internal
modules designed to be used in a modular synths (especially Ingen).
At the moment, the Analog Driver, normal and Advanced Envelop, Amp,
LFO, Mixer, Noise2, Slew Limiter, VCA (Exponential and Linear), VCF
and VCO2 have been ported.
This should be enough to be able to create basic patches, and two
presets for Ingen are available in the package.
Testers, comments, feedback....everything is more than welcome!
For the ones who wants to create LV2 plugins, the code is written in
C++, using Lv2-C++-Tools and GTKMM (the GUI designed with Glade).
The code is quite simple, making them examples on how to mix all these
things together and be able to design LV2 plugins quickly...
I'd like to announce version 0.8.3 alpha of some DDP mastering tools
I've written for Linux. If you are interested, and especially if
you have other software which reads or writes DDP please test! I'm
not a professional C programmer, but a recording producer, so I
appreciate any input!
Cue2ddp converts cue/wav CD images into DDP 2.0 images, the format
that plants often use internally to drive their glass mastering
process. So when using DDP instead of an audio CD plants will
usually not mess around with your project anymore, but just press
what you send them. (Which can be a good thing.)
Aside from the software mentioned I'd like to find out what people
think is the best workflow for final CD mastering including DDP. By
having cue2ddp as a stand-alone program, it can be used with all
programs which can export cue/wav. Is that flexible enough, would
you want other input formats? Or would you rather want to see an
interface which can be more tighlty integrated into ofther software?
Let's say cue2ddp would accept cue sheet *and* audio data from
stdin, then any software could simply pipe into it. Very low tech,
I know, but reading the DDP license I'm not sure if I can release a
proper DDP library as open source (let me know if you think
Also while we are at it, is there any need for other (proprietary)
CD image formats, like .pmi (Pyramix Workstation), or JAM on OSX?
Andreas Ruge
recording producer/balance engineer
Hello, is the samplecat dev on the list or does someone have his mail?
The feedback form on
is broken and I leaved a comment some days ago, which is still waiting
moderation, and I fear it got lost.
best wishes,