Pardon the newb question, but why does:
a) this work
#include <jack/jack.h>
jack_position_t pos;
jack_transport_state_t state;
jack_nframes_t frame;
int process (jack_nframes_t nframes, void *arg) {
state = jack_transport_query (client, &pos);
frame = pos.frame;
b) this segfaults
#include <jack/jack.h>
jack_position_t *pos;
jack_transport_state_t state;
jack_nframes_t frame;
int process (jack_nframes_t nframes, void *arg) {
state = jack_transport_query (client, pos);
frame = pos->frame;
Exactly one month after the first release, here is Laborejo 0.2!
Laborejo, Esperanto for "Workshop", is used to craft music through
notation. It is a Lilypond GUI frontend, a MIDI creator and finally a
tool collection to inspire and help you compose. It works by reducing
music-redundancy and by seperating layout and data.
The next release is scheduled for May, 8th. One month from now.
Before you read the details make sure to connect to Laborejos Facebook,
Twitter or Google Plus!!/Laborejo
Screenshot (Laborejo and Lilypond, side by side):
This is the release of version 0.2
Linux Instructions: Unpack, cd into the created directoy, execute:
Then use the number- and cursor keys for immediate success!
Check Help->Manual for navigational and note/rest entry keys.
Everything else is in the menus.
New since version 0.1:
- Repeats, Alternate Ends and Jumps in various forms. The main Feature
for this release.
- Playback Trigger ("Only reduce volume in the second repeat" or "Mute
track if python weather module reports rain")
- Master Track (Merges with every other Track. Use to structure your
piece, make global changes, change tempo etc.)
- Various Commands like "Join Selection to Chord" and "Add Octave to
- The usual bread&butter bugfixing and improving.
Most important known problems:
* This is Alpha Grade Software. Don't use for long-term work. However,
the produced midis and PDFs will last forever.
* There is no built-in jack midi output yet. You have to export midi
* Documentation is nearly non-existent.
Have fun, it would be nice to hear from you!
Hi All,
JAudioLibs v1.0.120123 is now available from
There's only one major change in this release - the addition of
JNAJack support for JNA's new CallbackThreadInitializer, which was
specifically requested for JNAJack, and brings a big improvement in
CPU usage.
Use of JNA 3.4.0+ is now highly recommended, and JNAJack will emit a
warning if an earlier version of JNA is detected (though it will still
There are no API changes.
Full release notes are available at
As you may have guessed from the version number, this is actually the
code from the January release of Praxis
( The delay in releasing separately
was caused by a) the desire to test and b) a manic couple of months!
Best wishes,
Neil C Smith
Artist : Technologist : Adviser
Appel à contribution / Call for participation
Désolé en cas d’envois multiples / sorry for possible crossposting
LoMus 2012
À la recherche des logiciels libres pour la création sonore et intermedia
Pour sa quatrième édition, Lomus 2012 s’adresse à tous ceux qui s’aventurent dans le développement de logiciels libres musicaux ou de logiciels libres qui peuvent contribuer au processus de la création musicale.
Un prix sera remis aux logiciels qui font preuve non seulement d’innovation, mais notamment d’inventivité face aux enjeux actuels de la création musicale.
6 avril 2012 - Appel à soumissions
25 avril 2012 - Date limite de soumission des logiciels
30 avril 2012 - Notification d'acceptation
11 mai 2012 - Remise du prix lors des JIM 2012
Info :
JIM2012 :
LoMus 2012
In search of open-source software for musical and intermedia creation
For its fourth edition, Lomus 2012 invites music and audio open-source software creators to submit original projects that either directly or indirectly contribute to musical creation.
A prize will be awarded to open-source sofware that proves to be not only innovatory but also inventive in the present context of music and audio creation.
April 6, 2012 - Call for submissions
April 25, 2012 - Submission deadline
April 30, 2012 - Admission notification
May 11, 2012 - JIM Awards Ceremony
JIM2012 :
Hello everyone,
I've released ddptools 0.8.7a, a set of command line programs to
create, read and export audio from DDP images. This release fixes a
potentially critical bug in the cue2ddp command and introduces some
minor enhancements:
* when verifying DDP checksums ddpinfo now searches the DDP
directory for checksums files, it supports a variety of file formats
and is known to woek with the checksums generated by md5sum,
ExactFile, Pyramix/Gear, SADiE, Sequoia, Sonoris, Wave Editor, and
DSP Quattro.
* for OSX ddptools now now comes as three-way universal binary
including i386, i86_64 and ppc (32bit)
Details are found at
Feedback and testing is very welcome!
Hey all,
we've listed the the Fedora Audio/Studio distro as an idea for the
Google summer of code. Apart from packaging/community wrangling etc.,
one of the requirements is development effort to provide some out of the
box jack/pulse configuration, similar to what falktx is doing with
So if you are a student and find this interesting (and are in need of a
cash injection) please apply. Deadline for student applications is
tomorrow. You can find all the links to information you need here
Hi guys,
I want to buy a usb sound card with the following specs:
16 input channels :
at least 8 Mic ins,
the rest line ins, intrument ins or ADAT ins (optical)
no spdif
output channels:
8 would be nice but not a must
price: 300-350 €
I have these on my list: (has no ADAT, but only
spdif) (unkown
manufacturer, at least to me)
Can someone tell how good these do with jack/linux,or maybe show another
hey lads,
sharing an idea I had here
my (currently in development) host directly exposes plugin ports to jack -
audio as audio, midi as midi, and parameters as a midi port for midi-cc
while coding for lv2 plugins, I noticed the CV port type, more info here:
I didn't yet coded support for it, but I'll do soon. Those kind of ports
will be exposed to jack as pure audio ports.
Non-daw and non-mixer also use this kind of ports, and maybe others.
The problem is that users shouldn't connect normal audio and CV ports
so I came up with an idea that is simple and fairly easy to implement - a
new jack port flag.
port = jack_port_register(client, port_name, JACK_DEFAULT_AUDIO_TYPE,
JackPortIsInput|JackPortIsCV, 0);
patchbays can check for this flag and represent the port as a different
type (I've done it here myself as jack keeps any custom port flag values I
set, and works just fine).
in the jack library code we can check for the flag and not allow port
what do you think?
I wonder what the LAD community thinks about Non Session Manager
From a user POV I must say that it works very smooth at first sight.
It's easy to use and one of the strong points seems to be the
flexibility, e.g. the ability to copy and change existing sessions, run
multiple sessions (also via network). But I cannot comment on the
technical goods and bads of the API and how easy it will be to implement
this in a Jackaudio application. It seems to use OSC messages and
depends only on liblo.
Thanks in advance,