I use sometimes qjackctl to control transport during work in qtractor, because
when in qtractor i open track properties to test various plugins, all other
gui is unavailable, excepting only plugins gui.
But this ugly popup on closing of qjackctl window is a bit annoying. My final
goal was to get it with option like "Don't remind anymore", but even getting
messages appeared not very easy.
My implementation uses notify-send utility, which in ubuntu is packaged in
libnotify-bin package. Arch wiki says, that libnotify is good for both gnome
and qt4 apps, but it seems, but basic libnotify api, written on C, is
glib/gobject-based, and i can't find libnotifymm (same glib, but on c++) in
neither ubuntu nor portage. Though in gentoo i found even some kde stuff,
using libnotify %).
I just tried to send patch for qjackctl in uncompressed form, which itself is
≈430Kb, and nothing appeared in archive. I'm sure, that it is due to size
However, e.g., on gentoo proaudio mailing list it is usual to send patches and
ebuilds uncompressed for easier review directly from mail (mailing list web ui
and probably some mail clients even display them as part of message).
Since it is first time, when i send some materials to this list, i did as
usually. It would be better to have some error feedback - those, trying to
write to list without registration at least get feedback about denial.
Hi all,
I have been using Hydrogen for a few years now, both by programming
drum patterns or playing live with an e-drums and there are few things
I'm missing...
I wouldn't mind having a look into coding them, but I'd like to get
the feedback/comments/opinions/screams of despair from the community.
HiHat & EDrums
Hydrogen only deals with close/open for the hihat control. It should
be easy enough to mark the instruments as being part of a hihat and
provide for each hihat instruments a range to define which one is
triggered. For example close from 0 to 10, half-open from 11 to 40,
open from 41 to 127.
EDrum sends a cc message for how close the hihat is closed.
There is already a script to do something very similar
(http://www.hydrogen-music.org/hcms/node/2807) using mididings, but
having it in Hydrogen would be more user friendly I guess?
EDrums & Cymbal choke
I believe edrums are using aftertouch for that (to confirm) - sample
could simply be muted?
Multi-mics drum samples
Drums recording often uses several mic placements and depending how
they are mixed it changes the mood of the drums. For example mixing
using overhead and direct samples.
I have drum samples where:
- the snare is composed of under, above and overhead takes
- cymbals are direct and overhead takes
- kick is front, back, inside
- etc...
Per instrument, we could have groups of samples:
- Instrument would have one fader per group and one fader for the
whole instrument
- Each instrument group would have its own output
- Each group would have its fader - if we have multiple instruments
with the group "overhead", this fader can control the gain for the
overall overhead
- I don't know what to do with panner - would anybody have an opinion on that?
- Trigger/velocity (programmed or played live) would trigger would
trigger all necessary samples
What do you guys think of these proposals?
Once again, it's springtime.
Once again, the planet revolved and stepped forward against its mother star.
Hence the <em>three bees</em> release... it won't be that far fetched if
you find this naming a deliberate pun riddle indeed--the wise will know
already while the clueless will get it sudden in a couple of days ;)
Well, no big surprises nor earthshaking features are being here pitched
then, just some small and otherwise humble improvements and fixes and
what not.
Nevertheless and not just for the record that is, it marks the day of a
long overdue and severely procrastinated <em>beta</em> phase release.
Whatever. It's dang official now: one step closer to <em>omega</em>, no
doubt ;)
Contrary to, maybe, newer generations, I <em>always</em> strive to say
the least. As to say about literal face-value meaning, as written and
read on timeless textbooks, it's all left in between the lines or, this
part is the one I like most, left over as an exercise--in some kind of
healthy masochism, perhaps :).
No wonder,
Qtractor 0.6.0 (byte bald beta) is now released!
Release highlights:
* Plugin automation high resolution option (NEW)
* Plugin 'About' page (NEW)
* Native DE dialogs option (NEW)
* Follow play-head slack time (NEW)
* MIDI RPN/NRPN 14-bit controllers input (FIX)
Project page:
- source tarball:
- source package (openSUSE 13.1):
- binary packages (openSUSE 13.1):
- quick start guide & user manual (outdated):
- help wanted (on Qtractor Wiki ;))
Weblog (upstream support):
Qtractor is free, open-source software, distributed under the terms
of the GNU General Public License (GPL) version 2 or later.
- New user option added: on whether to save plugins automation values
with higher resolution as possible, using 14-bit NRPN: cf.
View/Options.../Plugins/Experimental/High resolution plugin automation
- Generic native plugin dialogs now shows an additional "About" last
page where authorship credits are due.
- A new user preference option is now in place for whether to use
desktop environment's own native file requester/browser dialogs
(View/Options.../Display/Dialogs/Use native dialogs).
- A bit of slack have been introduced to put "Follow Playhead" (aka.
auto-scroll view mode) on hold, while doing in-flight selection edit moves.
- Fixed some user interface related annoyances while on the MIDI
Controllers mappings (ie. View/Controllers...).
- Fixed port origin on MIDI RPN/NRPN 14-bit controllers input.
- A discretionary plug-in unique identifier have been devised for when
more than one from the same type are inserted on a bus or track chain,
avoiding destructive clashing of automation data.
- Horizontal scrolling shift+mouse-wheel direction now reversed.
- LV2 Dyn(amic)-manifest support is now optional (default=off); cf.
View/Options.../Plugins/Experimental/LV2 Dynamic Manifest support).
- The following options, although decieved on View/Options... as global
configuration options, were always and still are proper session instance
properties: (JACK) Transport mode, MMC mode, MMC device, MIDI SPP and
MIDI Clock modes, are now shown there reflecting the current open
session state.
- A couple of run-time circumventions have been hacked in, both strictly
related to when NSM session management is in charge: 1) the new session
template feature is disabled (was aborting initial NSM new client
additions); 2) the native (as from the desktop environment eg. KDE) file
browser/requester dialogs are disabled (were taking too long to list the
current directory on first time invocation).
- Update current automation/curve nodes selection while changing
horizontal (time axis) zoom levels.
- One liner's attempt to make it consistent behaviour on resizing and
moving multiple selected notes or events while on the MIDI clip editor
(aka. piano-roll; after a ticket request from Daniel MacDonald aka.
danboid, thanks).
- Introducing tiny quarter-note/crotchet/seminima/beat icon on all
snap-to-beat selection items get a new icon :).
- Corrected some audio buffering boundary conditions that were causing
dead-loops/freezes while merging some audio clips.
- Session auto-save period was chronically reduced to one third of its
user setting; non critical but fixed now.
See also:
See you all on LAC2014@ZKM-Karlsruhe!
and have a happy new springtime, cheers!
Enjoy && yet again, have (lots of) fun.
rncbc aka Rui Nuno Capela
Hello. It is my first attempt of serious (rather massive than advanced) DAW
usage - i used it in montage of own "playlist" from some favorite tracks,
which is not to be published anywhere at all, just for personal fun.
One track is very long, while in one place i needed only some specific parts,
which i joined not very precise. And just for fine tuning of that i used one
delay effect, whose name i don't recall - can only say, that it is dublicated
with different max ranges, from which i used least available (0,01 s).
And there is problem: resulting hearable delay randomly changes in some small
range near of one phase.
Did not research this problem better - just eliminated that fading.
Hi there everyone, specially developers.
I think we should stop assuming releasing source code is enough.
[GNU/] Linux is getting more user friendly, and most users are not able
to compile software,
plus some distributions make it specially hard (debian, ubuntu, fedora,
opensuse) by having the libs installed but not the headers.
Releasing software on windows or mac, even open-source, *always* comes
in a binary,
and most users come from there.
Now, I have a "toolchain" repository for ubuntu 10.04 with gcc4.8,
python3+qt4 and a bunch of other useful stuff.
I use this to get generic linux binaries that (from what I know) work
I can make a developer-oriented tutorial on how to use that, so that
developers can provide linux binaries to its users.
Would that be something useful to Linux Audio?
Hi all,
A new version of aubio, 0.4.1, is out.
aubio is a library of functions to perform audio feature extractions
such as:
- note onset detection
- pitch detection
- beat tracking
- MFCC computation
- spectral descriptors
This version is mostly focusing on media file input and output. Here is
a quick overview of the changes.
The most interesting feature in this release concerns aubiocut. Thanks
to the sponsoring of Mark Suppes, the python script to slice sound
steams was extended to be sample accurate, cut overlapping segments, and
work on multiple channels.
New source and sink objects have been added to let aubio read and write
WAV files, even when built with no external libraries. This should
simplify the use of aubio on platforms such as Android or Windows.
Existing sources and sinks have been extended to read and write from and
to multiple channels. This makes python-aubio one of the fastest and
most versatile Python module to read and write media files.
This release also comes with a stack of bug fixes and code clean-ups.
Note: this version is API and ABI compatible with 0.4.0. Since it only
adds new features to the existing interface, your existing source and
binary code will keep working without any modifications.
To find out more about aubio and this release:
Project homepage:
Post announcing aubio 0.4.1:
ChangeLog for aubio 0.4.1:
Source tarball, signature and digests:
API Documentation:
Happy hacking!
We are working on an ARM based MOD device and while fiddling with JACK some
questions appeared.
I didn't know whether to post on the ALSA os JACK lists, so I decided to
post here :-)
When I start Jack in my PC I get the well know message:
/usr/bin/jackd -P80 -dalsa -r48000 -p128 -n2 -D -Chw:0 -Phw:0
creating alsa driver ... hw:0|hw:0|128|2|48000|0|0|nomon|swmeter|-|32bit
configuring for 48000Hz, period = 128 frames (2.7 ms), buffer = 2 periods
ALSA: final selected sample format for capture: 32bit integer little-endian
ALSA: use 2 periods for capture
ALSA: final selected sample format for playback: 32bit integer little-endian
ALSA: use 2 periods for playback
When starting it on the Beaglebone Black I get:
/usr/bin/jackd --realtime -P80 -dalsa -r48000 -p128 -n2 -Xraw
creating alsa driver ... hw:0|hw:0|128|2|48000|0|0|nomon|swmeter|-|32bit
configuring for 48000Hz, period = 128 frames (2.7 ms), buffer = 2 periods
ALSA: final selected sample format for capture: 32bit integer little-endian
ALSA: use 16 periods for capture
ALSA: final selected sample format for playback: 32bit integer little-endian
ALSA: use 16 periods for playback
- what are those "periods" in the ALSA lines? (2 for the PC and 16 for the
BBB) ? I read a post by Jeremy Jongepier about the Cubieboard2 stating that
the hardcoded values for the Cubie (Minimum number of periods was 4 and
minimum buffer size was 1024) where unfit for realtime operation. Why is
that so?
- on the ArchWiki page on Jack there is a D-bus call
jack_control eps realtime true
stating that it "Sets JACK to realtime mode in its own internal setup."
What is this internal setup? How do I address this when not using D-Bus?
King regards all
Gianfranco Ceccolini
The MOD Team
PS: We will be at LAC againd this year. I'm very eager to meet most of this
distinguished community members there. We have lots of good new for the MOD
in 2014.