Hey all,
I'm currently taking over a bunch of packages for Arch Linux (mainly
pro-audio stuff).
Would it be possible to implement letsencrypt for linuxaudio.org and all
of its subdomains?
This would greatly improve the security of the packages hosted there (or
rather their transfer from the server to the build machine) and help for
said packages not to be dropped, as more and more distros try to switch
to more reliable and authenticatable (is that a word?) upstreams.
Additionally, there is the benefit of raising privacy for users of all
things hosted on linuxaudio.org.
An example are all sources hosted here (all of which are packages in
Arch's main repos):
Hey everyone!
I have created a YouTube channel where I am creating playlists of ambient
music. As many of you have told me that they enjoy listening to "droning"
and other of my ambient creations during work, I have created "Music for
programming" mixes.
Some of them might feature just one tune, some feature several tunes.
Take your pick - and subscribe!
The Ambient Channel
Louigi Verona
Hi list. Strange problem here.
Any verification especially on other OSs, solutions,
comments, observations appreciated.
Neither QTractor nor MusE will open any DSSI gui
here on OpenSUSE Tumbleweed x86 64 bit.
I have built liblo-0.29, and to test, Hexter 1.0.3,
and removed their SUSE packages. Same problem.
I traced the problem. liblo *silently* fails:
liblo: src/address.c: line 594:
if ((ret = getaddrinfo(host, lo_address_get_port(a), &hints, &ai)))
I turned on hexter debugging, and added my own to liblo and hexter:
initOSC() url:osc.udp://linux-2lbs:19899/
.... [Some MusE output stuff]
hexter.so hexter_get_program called with 0
.... [More hexter program stuff]
hexter.so hexter_get_program called with 128
hexter.so hexter_get_midi_controller called for port 1
hexter.so hexter_get_midi_controller called for port 2
hexter.so hexter_configure called with 'DSSI:PROJECT_DIRECTORY' and './'
hexter.so hexter_get_midi_controller called for port 1
hexter.so hexter_get_midi_controller called for port 2
OscIF::oscShowGui(): v:1 visible:0
OscIF::oscShowGui(): No QProcess or process not running. Starting gui.
TIM: hexter_gtk main() start
hexter_gtk starting (pid 21264)...
hexter_gtk: listening at
hexter_gtk: rebuild_patches_clist called
hexter_gtk: update_performance_spin called for 'pitch_bend_range' with 2
hexter_gtk on_performance_spin_change: skipping further action
.... [More spin stuff]
TIM: hexter_gtk main(): osc_host_address:0x1c1e8f0
TIM: hexter_gtk main():
.... [More similar paths]
TIM: hexter_gtk main(): osc_update_path:/dssi_synth/hexter/hexter-0/update
TIM: hexter_gtk main(): calling gtk_main()...
TIM: hexter_gtk update_request_timeout_callback(..): calling lo_send(..)
TIM: liblo: lo_address_resolve host:linux-2lbs port:19899
TIM: liblo: Error:Name or service not known
[MusE error:]
OscIF::oscShowGui(): no _uiOscPath. Error: Timeout - synth gui did not
start within 20 seconds.
What's going on here? The name (linux-2lbs) and service
(port number 19899) are valid. That's the URL given to MusE
by liblo when we start the OSC server thread. And we pass that
to the gui executable.
When I run "hexter -test" the gui *does* appear:
TIM: TIM: hexter main() start
hexter_gtk starting (pid 23447)...
hexter_gtk: listening at osc.udp://linux-2lbs:16029/test/mode
hexter_gtk: rebuild_patches_clist called
hexter_gtk: update_performance_spin called for 'pitch_bend_range' with 2
hexter_gtk: update_performance_assign called for 'breath_assign' with 2
TIM: osc_host_address:0x90bc60
TIM: osc_configure_path:/test/mode/configure
TIM: osc_update_path:/test/mode/update
TIM: hexter main(): calling gtk_main()...
.... [gui is now showing]
hexter_gtk on_test_note_button_press: button pressed
TIM: lo_address_resolve host:localhost port:9
hexter_gtk on_test_note_button_press: button released
I added a full range of UDP allowances in my firewall and even tried
turning it off completely, thinking it was a UDP blockage thing,
but no luck. Something further to do?
The only difference I see is host "linux-2lbs" vs. "localhost"
but the former is in fact my machine name.
Hexter does a few tricks to run in test mode, so I'm not sure
how relevant the second test is (with "hexter -test").
The MusE Sequencer project.
Dear all,
It is my pleasure to announce the First International Faust Conference
(IFC-18)! We look forward to see you in Mainz this summer.
Romain Michon
CCRMA, Stanford University
[Apologies for cross posting, please circulate widely.]
1st International Faust Conference - Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz
(Germany), July 17-18, 2018
The International Faust Conference (IFC-18: http://www.ifc18.uni-mainz.de)
will take place at the Johannes Gutenberg University
<http://www.uni-mainz.de/> of Mainz (Germany) on July 17-18, 2018. It aims
at gathering developers and users of the Faust programming language
<http://faust.grame.fr/> to present current projects and discuss future
directions for Faust and its community.
Participants will be able to share their work through paper presentations.
A series of round tables on various topics will serve as a platform to
brainstorm on Faust's features, semantics, tools, applications, etc. to
determine future directions for this language. Open spaces for demos and
workshops will be available for participants to openly share their ongoing
projects with the rest of the community.
As a special event, the winner of GRAME's Faust Open-Source Software
Competition will be announced during IFC-18.
IFC-18 is free and everyone is welcome to attend!
*Call for Papers*
We welcome submissions from academic, professional, independent
programmers, artists, etc. We solicit original papers centered around the Faust
programming language <http://faust.grame.fr/> in the following categories:
- Original research
- Technology tutorial
- Artistic project report (e.g., installation, composition, etc.)
Paper should be up to 14 pages in length, non anonymous, and formatted
according to this template
<http://www.ifc18.uni-mainz.de/misc/IFC-18-templates.zip>. *Submissions
should be carried out via our EasyChair portal
All submissions are subject to peer review. Acceptance may be conditional
upon changes being made to the paper as directed by reviewers.
Accepted papers will be published on-line as well as in the IFC-18
proceedings paper version. They will be presented by their author(s) at
IFC-18 as 15 minutes presentations (+ 5 minutes for questions).
Feel free to contact us if you have any question.
*Important Dates*
- Papers submission deadline: March 2, 2018
- Notification of Acceptance: May 1, 2018
- Camera-Ready Version: June 1, 2018
*Call for Round Table Topics*
A series of round tables on the following themes will take place both
afternoons of IFC-18:
- Faust Tools (e.g., Architectures, IDE, Faust Code Generator, On-Line
Services, etc.)
- DSP in Faust and Faust Libraries (e.g., New Algorithms, New Libraries,
Missing Functions, etc.)
- Faust Compiler and Semantics
- Other Topics/Open Session
We solicit topic suggestions from the Faust community for each of these
themes. Topics can be submitted by means of this Google form
<https://goo.gl/forms/0fBYxk28jlRdtqRM2>. They will be introduced during
the round tables by the session chair.
Please, address your questions to: ifc18(a)muwiinfa.geschichte.uni-mainz.de
Conference website: http://www.ifc18.uni-mainz.de
Dr. Albert Gr"af
Computer Music Research Group, JGU Mainz, Germany
Email: aggraef(a)gmail.com
WWW: https://plus.google.com/+AlbertGraef
Hello Lists,
Tomorrow and the day after is the Sonoj Convention! You can watch the
live video stream when it starts 10:40 CET and see all the talks!
Please share that link in all the forums and social media where you
think it is appropriate.
For more information and a schedule please see https://www.sonoj.org
for the Sonoj Convention