hi all,
just back home safe and waaay smoother than when getting there first :)
for all the traditional and lousy unedited photos, straight out and
dumped from the camera sd-card:
(note that the weather was lousy, cloudy and rainy...)
cheers and thanks for all the fish(*)
rncbc aka. Rui Nuno Capela
(*) ps. had none actually, there were only dead meat (and dead
vegetables too) but had it great on oysters on the last day, if seafood
counts as non-meat:)~
For Yoshi and Zyn, there are a very large number of patches that have no
copyright/license information filled in. In the first place this makes it
impossible to give any kind of acknowledgement. Potentially more critical is
the new messy copyright legislation staggering through the EU.
I don't know if there is any practical way of adding this to old files, but at
least when creating new one *please* fill these fields in - even if you don't
think you'll ever release them.
As and aside, a lot of these also have no 'Type' filled in :(
Apologies for the cross post - not really sure where this should go.
Will J Godfrey
Say you have a poem and I have a tune.
Exchange them and we can both have a poem, a tune, and a song.
*Apologies for cross-postings*
# Fifth Annual Web Audio Conference - Call for Submissions
The fifth Web Audio Conference (WAC) will be held 4-6 December, 2019 at the
Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) in Trondheim, Norway.
WAC is an international conference dedicated to web audio technologies and
applications. The conference addresses academic research, artistic
research, development, design, evaluation and standards concerned with
emerging audio-related web technologies such as Web Audio API, Web RTC,
WebSockets and Javascript. The conference welcomes web developers, music
technologists, computer musicians, application designers, industry
engineers, R&D scientists, academic researchers, artists, students and
people interested in the fields of web development, music technology,
computer music, audio applications and web standards. The previous Web
Audio Conferences were held in 2015 at IRCAM and Mozilla in Paris, in 2016
at Georgia Tech in Atlanta, in 2017 at the Centre for Digital Music, Queen
Mary University of London in London, and in 2018 at TU Berlin in Berlin.
The internet has become much more than a simple storage and delivery
network for audio files, as modern web browsers on desktop and mobile
devices bring new user experiences and interaction opportunities. New and
emerging web technologies and standards now allow applications to create
and manipulate sound in real-time at near-native speeds, enabling the
creation of a new generation of web-based applications that mimic the
capabilities of desktop software while leveraging unique opportunities
afforded by the web in areas such as social collaboration, user experience,
cloud computing, and portability. The Web Audio Conference focuses on
innovative work by artists, researchers, students, and engineers in
industry and academia, highlighting new standards, tools, APIs, and
practices as well as innovative web audio applications for musical
performance, education, research, collaboration, and production, with an
emphasis on bringing more diversity into audio.
## Theme and Topics
The theme for the fifth edition of the Web Audio Conference is Diversity in
Web Audio. We particularly encourage submissions focusing on inclusive
computing, cultural computing, postcolonial computing, and collaborative
and participatory interfaces across the web in the context of generation,
production, distribution, consumption and delivery of audio material that
especially promote diversity and inclusion.
## Further areas of interest include:
* Web Audio API, Web MIDI, Web RTC and other existing or emerging web
standards for audio and music.
* Development tools, practices, and strategies of web audio applications.
* Innovative audio-based web applications.
* Web-based music composition, production, delivery, and experience.
* Client-side audio engines and audio processing/rendering (real-time or
non real-time).
* Cloud/HPC for music production and live performances.
* Audio data and metadata formats and network delivery.
* Server-side audio processing and client access.
* Frameworks for audio synthesis, processing, and transformation.
* Web-based audio visualization and/or sonification.
* Multimedia integration.
* Web-based live coding and collaborative environments for audio and music
* Web standards and use of standards within audio-based web projects.
* Hardware and tangible interfaces and human-computer interaction in web
* Codecs and standards for remote audio transmission.
* Any other innovative work related to web audio that does not fall into
the above categories.
## Submission Tracks
We welcome submissions in the following tracks: papers, talks, posters,
demos, performances, and artworks. All submissions will be single-blind
peer reviewed. The conference proceedings, which will include both papers
(for papers and posters) and extended abstracts (for talks, demos,
performances, and artworks), will be published open-access online with
Creative Commons attribution, and with an ISSN number. **A selection of the
best papers, as determined by a specialized jury, will be offered the
opportunity to publish an extended version at the Journal of Audio
Engineering Society.**
**Papers**: Submit a 4-6 page paper to be given as an oral presentation.
**Talks**: Submit a 1-2 page extended abstract to be given as an oral
**Posters**: Submit a 2-4 page paper to be presented at a poster session.
**Demos**: Submit a work to be presented at a hands-on demo session. Demo
submissions should consist of a 1-2 page extended abstract including
diagrams or images, and a complete list of technical requirements
(including anything expected to be provided by the conference organizers).
**Performances**: Submit a performance making creative use of web-based
audio applications. Performances can include elements such as audience
device participation and collaboration, web-based interfaces, Web MIDI,
WebSockets, and/or other imaginative approaches to web technology.
Submissions must include a title, a 1-2 page description of the
performance, links to audio/video/image documentation of the work, a
complete list of technical requirements (including anything expected to be
provided by conference organizers), and names and one-paragraph biographies
of all performers.
**Artworks**: Submit a sonic web artwork or interactive application which
makes significant use of web audio standards such as Web Audio API or Web
MIDI in conjunction with other technologies such as HTML5 graphics, WebGL,
and Virtual Reality frameworks. Works must be suitable for presentation on
a computer kiosk with headphones. They will be featured at the conference
venue throughout the conference and on the conference web site. Submissions
must include a title, 1-2 page description of the work, a link to access
the work, and names and one-paragraph biographies of the authors.
**Tutorials**: If you are interested in running a tutorial session at the
conference, please contact the organizers directly.
## Important Dates
March 26, 2019: Open call for submissions starts.
June 16, 2019: Submissions deadline.
September 2, 2019: Notification of acceptances and rejections.
September 15, 2019: Early-bird registration deadline.
October 6, 2019: Camera ready submission and presenter registration
December 4-6, 2019: The conference.
At least one author of each accepted submission must register for
and attend the conference in order to present their work. A limited
number of diversity tickets will be available.
## Templates and Submission System
Templates and information about the submission system are available
on the official conference website: https://www.ntnu.edu/wac2019
Best wishes,
The WAC 2019 Committee
Ladies and Gentlemen,
The Sonoj Convention is an annual event in Cologne, Germany about music
production with free and open source software (and hardware).
This year it will be on October the 26th and 27th 2019.
It features demonstrations, talks and hands-on workshops. Meet
like-minded people, learn insider knowledge and tricks, participate in
our one-hour production challenge! Everybody is welcome, no matter your
musical or technological background or capabilities.
Our Website:
This is our first announcement, reaching out to our core audience. The
event is more than half a year away, but we are starting talks to find
speakers and lecturers now.
Sonoj is not a software-developers conference; instead the stereotypical
speaker is an experienced musician or producer.
If you would like to make a contribution, please send an informal and
short e-mail with your ideas to info(a)sonoj.org
Here are some examples from the past years, to get an idea:
* Creating a Radio Drama with Ardour (for Beginners)
* Synthesizing electronic dance music with ZynAddSubFx
* Carla Plugin Host Feature Demonstration and Workflows
*/Making Music with Text/ - Audible Programming with Sonic Pi
/* The Realm of Too Many Options/ - Write, record, mix and actually
finish your music.
* Fantasy Game Soundtrack Production in an open source ecosystem
If you would like to participate creatively in the Sonoj Convention
please reach out to us!
(And if you just want to visit, the visitor registration is already
online as well)
I am looking forward to your answer!
Nils Hilbricht
Sonoj Convention
Hi all,
A group of people who do not attend the Linux Audio Conference in
Stanford this year are meeting at c-base.org to participate remotely.
We'll watch the live-stream of the paper-presentations on Saturday,
Sunday, Monday 17h to 21h CET, and share dinner, which is sponsored by
the Paul Davis and the Ardour community!
You're very welcome to join our small local hallway track in the space
station below Berlin-Mitte, located in the 2nd backyard of Rungestraße
20, 10179 Berlin.
There'll also some un-conference BarCamp track, likley some LV2 hacking
on the week-end. Monday evening overlaps with the Bitwig user-group at
c-base. Going to be fun!
Looking forward to seeing you there,
PS. Safe travels to all who head to Stanford.
Does anyone know if GCC will replace power of 2 multiplications/divisions of
unsigned integers with bit shifts?
Will J Godfrey
Say you have a poem and I have a tune.
Exchange them and we can both have a poem, a tune, and a song.
a new version of B.Slizr ((formerly known as B.Slicer) - a sequenced
audio slicing effect LV2 plugin ("step sequencer effect")* - is out now.
GPLv3 license.
What's new:
* Rename
* Resizable GUI
* Bidirectional amp display
* Update BWidgets toolkit
* Bugfix
* Jack transport still required
Feedback, ideas, bug reports, ... welcome.
*Still thinking about the best description of this plugin. Any ideas are
Project page:
Preview video (based on v0.1):