Linux-audio-dev July 2019
  • 12 participants
  • 11 discussions

Xputty - damn tiny abstraction Layer to create X11 window/widgets with cairo surfaces
by Hermann Meyer
5 years, 4 months

Writing a driver for a device which clears the buffer on the start trigger
by Paul Pawlowski
5 years, 6 months

jack meterbridge 0.9.2 update / maintenance
by Stephan Bourgeois
5 years, 6 months

[ANN] Qtractor 0.9.9 - Summer'19 Release batch #3
by Rui Nuno Capela
5 years, 7 months

by Stefan Westerfeld
5 years, 7 months

[ANN] Vee One Suite 0.9.9 - Summer'19 Release batch #2
by Rui Nuno Capela
5 years, 7 months

DrumGizmo 0.9.17 released
by Bent Bisballe Nyeng
5 years, 7 months

[ANN] The QStuff* Summer'19 Release batch #1
by Rui Nuno Capela
5 years, 7 months

SoundTracker 1.0.0-pre1 released
by Юрий Аляев
5 years, 7 months

Berlin: 16/17 July - Symposium and Concert
by Henrik von Coler
5 years, 7 months
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