First, congratulations, Rakarrack is still actively used by people, even
though the application itself isn't that active anymore. :)
Any (former) Rakarrack developers on this list?
Hi everybody,
I'm glad to announce the first pre-release of SoundTracker v1.0.1
You can download it here:
I would say, v1.0.1 is a big step ahead from v1.0.0. It contains
numerous improvements everywhere and some important bugfixes, among
which I have fixed the annoying (at least for me) performance issue with
Gtk-2 bitmap graphics. Now SoundTracker is about so fast as old Gtk-1
What is new in soundtracker-1.0.1-pre1 (21-Feb-2020):
* Improved mouse usage in the instrument editor (yaliaev)
* Indication of pressed keys in the instrument editor (yaliaev)
* Better look of the scopes (yaliaev)
* Record indicator in the sampling monitor (yaliaev)
* More configurable colors (yaliaev)
* Logarithmic scale of the amplification slider; numeric entry in
addition to
the slider; ability to determine the optimal amplification (yaliaev)
* Extended editor on the module info page with functions of exchanging and
copying samples and instruments, mixing samples and tuning a sample using
another one as a reference (yaliaev)
* Different selection modes in tracker, selection can be extended with SHIFT
* A new method of waveforms' drawing in the sample displays in addition to
the existing one (yaliaev)
* Automatic file extension adding (optional) (yaliaev)
* More convenient keybindings; new keybindings are added (see README)
* Some more keys are made configurable including that for song / pattern
playback (yaliaev)
* New playing modes are added: Playing selected block and Playng from
playback looping control (yaliaev)
* Facility for loading somewhat broken modules (yaliaev)
* Stepping volume / FX parameter with mouse wheel (yaliaev)
* Improved export to audio file (yaliaev)
* Volume column can be displayed like in FT2, with letters, mnemonics and
optional decimal volume representation (yaliaev)
* Jack input driver (yaliaev)
* Improved live recording using PC keyboard: better key pressing / releasing
times are recorded using FXes (yaliaev)
* Some other small improvements (GUI, usability) (yaliaev)
* Some bugfixes including the CPU overhead with graphics (yaliaev)
Hi all. Long time no talk. Sorry for the cross-post.
When I last tried dssi-vst in November, I got it running
but with a continuous stream of errors and xruns.
That was apparently caused by kernel futex problems.
dssi-vst was assumed dead.
But I just tried again and it's working 100% no errors or xruns.
Seems maybe these kernel futex patches have been applied?
Anyone in a position to try and verify?
May have to edit a wee path or two in the Makefile.
I can't believe it, it's working for over an hour now...
spectmorph-0.5.1 has been released.
If you haven't watched our video tutorial for the instrument editor
added in 0.5.0, you can do so here: https://youtu.be/JlugWYPDp84
This release introduces statically linked generic 64 bit linux plugin
binaries, so even if the packages don't match your linux version, you
should be able to install these without compiling. This is a new
feature, let me know if it doesn't work for you.
Overview of Changes in spectmorph-0.5.1:
* Add new LFO modes (saw, square, random)
* Support generic 64-bit linux binaries
- new linux file selector (no longer needs Qt)
- ship font for static build
* Fix crashes caused by fftw planner being used from multiple threads
* Ported all python2 code to python3
* Support midi all notes off
* Implement LV2 StateChanged
* French translation for smjack desktop file (Olivier Humbert)
* Thread race fix (JP Cimalando)
* Minor fixes and cleanups
What is SpectMorph?
SpectMorph is a free software project which allows to analyze samples of
musical instruments, and to combine them (morphing). It can be used to
construct hybrid sounds, for instance a sound between a trumpet and a
flute; or smooth transitions, for instance a sound that starts as a
trumpet and then gradually changes to a flute.
SpectMorph ships with many ready-to-use instruments which can be
combined using morphing.
SpectMorph is implemented in C++ and licensed under the GNU LGPL version 3
Integrating SpectMorph into your Work
SpectMorph is currently available for Linux, Windows and macOS users.
Here is a quick overview of how you can make music using SpectMorph.
- VST Plugin, especially for proprietary solutions that don't support LV2.
(Available on Linux and 64-bit Windows/macOS)
- LV2 Plugin, for any sequencer that supports it.
- JACK Client.
Website: http://www.spectmorph.org
Download: http://www.spectmorph.org/downloads
There are many audio demos on the website, which demonstrate morphing
between instruments.
Stefan Westerfeld, Hamburg/Germany, http://space.twc.de/~stefan
The TU Studio will be hosting a workshop,
free of charge and open to everyone interested:
Unorthodox Sound Synthesis
Daniel Mayer (IEM Graz)
Topic of the seminar will be selected procedures that don’t fall into
the area of classical sound synthesis resp. transformation as well as
unorthodox combinations and applications of classical techniques. In
that context participants will be encouraged to develop and implement
own ideas.
Possible topics (depending on knowledge and interest):
buffer modulation, single sample feedback, wavefolding, synthesis
ordinary differential equations, functional iteration synthesis,
variants of granular synthesis.
Requirements: Basic knowledge of sound synthesis.
The seminar refers to some of the lecturer's implementations in
SuperCollider, therefore basic knowledge of SuperCollider is desirable
but not absolutely necessary.
The workshop includes three sessions -
please bring your laptop (with SuperCollider installed):
Tuesday, 11.02.
Wednesday, 12.02.
Thursday, 13.02.
TU Studio
Einsteinufer 17c, Room EN-324
For further questions, please contact Daniel Mayer:
Students can get 3 credit points for the module
in combination with a project related to the seminar.
Henrik von Coler
Elektronisches Studio, Fachgebiet Audiokommunikation
Technische Universität Berlin
Fakultät I Geistes- und Bildungswissenschaften
Institut für Sprache und Kommunikation
Einsteinufer 17c, Sekr. EN 8, 10587 Berlin
Telefon: +49 (0)30 314 22327