On Fri, Mar 05, 2004 at 03:06:27PM +0000, Steve Harris wrote:
It used to be possible (in the 2.0 kernel series) to
the rotate priority of
IRQs on the two controllers. This sounds really good as on my laptop the
soundcard is welded to IRQ5 (very low priority) and everything else is on
IRQ10 (higher, c.f.
http://myweb.cableone.net/eviltwin69/Arcana.html sec
2.4), so I can only run the card with big buffers.
This really mattered? I'm honestly DEEPLY surprised, and a bit sceptical.
IRQ priority will only matter AT ALL if you are in a constant state of
interrupt, or your IRQ handlers are painfully slow, neither of which should
be true.
DMA ATA mitigates IRQ storms a LOT, and you shouldn't be flooding the net
while you play low-latency audio. Those are the two biggest sources of
Curious to see how it changes with a new laptop..