On Wed, Nov 02, 2005 at 12:38:49PM +0100, St?phane Letz wrote:
Yes, clients use open *once* when the new client
opens. This is done
in a non RT thread (what we call the "notification" thread that also
handle all non RT events like callback...)
This means that changing the graph order can never
be a RT operation,
unless clients get a second, non-RT thread to perform this call from.
There is no need to open the synchronization primitive at graph re-
order time. Since a given client can access all synchronization
primitive, when the graph order changes, then the client will
possibly have to notify another primitive.
So if there are N clients, each of them needs N file descriptors open
all the time. System wide the complexity grows as N^2. Not really a
good way to tackle an O(N) problem IMHO.