In Dave Phillips <dlphillips(a)> wrote:
I recently submitted another article for my monthly column at Linux
Journal on-line, it should show up within the next few days. I wanted to
let LA* folks know that I've placed the article's two short example
files here:
They aren't finished pieces, nor were they meant to be (though I'm
liking them enough to maybe work on them some more). I made them as
examples of what can be done with seq24 and a batch of Linux softsynths
(and one VST plugin). I had an enormous amount of fun doing these
pieces, and I want to extend great thanks to Rob Buse for seq24 and Nick
Dowell for amSynth.
This is exactly the sort of stuff I envisioned linking on
the wiki. If you wouldn't mind putting a page up
there describing the setup you used and a link to the files, that
would be great.
The state of things in our little world is getting to the point where
it gets harder to write about the stuff because I'd really just rather
be making music with it. Vast thanks to all Linux audio developers for
making dreams come true. You guys rock, every one of you.
Now if I can just get seq24 working with JACK... ;)
It's working out of the box under Debian Sid.. Very nice with
jack-transport compatibility!
All the best,