[Steve Harris]
On Sat, Feb 28, 2004 at 11:57:27 +0200, Jussi Laako
On Sat, 2004-02-28 at 16:53, Steve Harris wrote:
Do you have the SIMD optimisations on, and have
you tried the
"halfcomplex" mode of FFTW, thats fine for audio, and saves some memory
No, because SIMD optimizations are broken. I've been unable to compile
version which is able to run on all >=i686 platforms and includes 3DNow
&/ SSE stuff. It just crashed on my Thunderbird-core Athlon.
I've only tried building for particular platforms (various SSE
implementations), but it makes a big difference on PIII and Athlon XP.
on this 1.7 G athlon it does too, compare this:
[~/audio/src/fftw-3.0.1/tests] ./bench --verify irf1024
[~/audio/src/fftw-3.0.1/tests] ./bench irf1024
Problem: irf1024, setup: 89.29 ms, time: 11.50 us, ``mflops'': 2226.1
where irf = in-place real forward
... to Jussi's 2.4 G celeron:
43 us / 1024 point complex FFT (single), 23256 FFTs/s, 23.814 MS/s
70 us / 1024 point complex FFT (double), 14286 FFTs/s, 14.629 MS/s
42 us / 1024 point real FFT (single), 23810 FFTs/s, 24.381 MS/s