On Wed, 2007-12-05 at 16:34 +0000, Krzysztof Foltman wrote:
Lars Luthman wrote:
The point is, how a previously loaded plugin (a transparent bridge or
something) will be informed about the new type? In most cases it would
work, though. It's just that "old" loaded plugins will not know the
mapping for "new" types.
My idea is that if the plugin knows how to handle an event type it
should list that type in its RDF data, and the host will assign it an
integer value. A plugin that doesn't care about the event types, e.g. a
generic quantizer, doesn't care about the event types, so any new
mappings wouldn't matter to it.
Sure. It's
just on instantiation. If you wanted to be smart you could
have the host sort the array and pass the size as well and let the
plugin do binary searches.
So it would have to be an array of pairs (uri, number), right? Because
otherwise adding any new number will mess up the numbering.
Yeah, if it's sorted. I don't really think it's needed though, iterating
through a couple of hundreds of strings (in extreme cases) isn't that
much work to do at instantiation time.