On Monday 29 January 2007 18:22, Steve Harris wrote:
Great idea. I've got some plugins that will
benefit a lot by this. We
should link to known extensions on the
http://lv2plug.in/ site.
FWIW, my provisional plan was to wait until it seemed like time for a
LV2 1.1 (hopefully not too soon :), then roll all the "popular"
extensions into that.
Ah, i don't mean this extension has to become part of the core LV2 spec.
Nonono. I was just wondering whether it makes sense that i maintain this
seperately and keep the extension URI to my site.
Is there a plan to host some very common extensions on the lv2 site (URI
having lv2plug.in in it and docs on the lv2 site), too? If so i would like to
see these extensions included.
It doesn't make a huge amount of difference
whether their included or
not though.
Well, just a visibility thing. By having some extensions documented
and "hosted" on lv2plug.in they probably get more visibility than others. For
certain "almost core" functionality this would make sense i think.
Before you ask, no I don't have a definition for "popular".
Hehe :)
Palimm Palimm!