On Thu, 2006-06-04 at 21:45 +0000, carmen wrote:
I heard from
someone at Ableton that one guy wrote the Live engine
about 3 months.
yeah its not that complex. all you need is something that can play
audio files realtime at varying pitches/speeds and apply FX chains,
and a GUI to facilitate the arrangement and FX parameterization..
SooperLooper + OSC-aware LADSPA Rack and Jack
Patcher: seems like the
jack graph would get crazy quick, but i will probably try this next,
since the above options are out for me at the moment unless i setup a
32bit chroot, but maybe i will get good enough at C to be able to port
sooperlooper to dssi~, since Om has eveyrhting else i'd need except a
decent realtime-resampling audiofile module..
I've been toying with the idea of adding support for gstreamer