Jens M Andreasen wrote:
On tor, 2004-11-18 at 15:44 +0100, Amaury Jacquot
what's the rationale behind the "we
won't release any docs" nonsense ?
Short answer: IP! (Intellectual Propererty!) Combine that with PHB
(Pointy Haired Boss), and you can't tell anything obvious without
loosing your job.
someone needs to come out with a professionnal
libre-design sound
card... (can't be that hard)
Mmmm ... I could do the opcodes allright. I'd hate to do the soldering
though(, and forget about producing that layered card.)
Its wouldn't quite be a kitchen table build, but there are some very
prototyping services out there. I just visited the online quote
calculator for the
service which my company uses:
10 boards
4 Layer
100mm x 200mm
electrical test
Placement of 60 components (none of them BGA)
10 day delivery
You supply gerber files and major components. They supply standard
passives at no cost.
Price? Less than 500 UKP, ie less than 50 UKP per board.
The objective, IMO, would NOT be to produce a finished, fully engineered
end-product which users could build for themselves. It would be to produce
a reference design with open firmware, open protocol and open drivers.
Given such a design, companies (possibly very small ones at first) could
produce and market finished hardware. This might be very similar to the
reference design or it might not be, but it would be compatible with it.
They would still be able to differentiate their products by audio quality,
number and types of inputs, packaging and price etc.
Simon Jenkins