On Thu, 2006-06-15 at 16:32 +0900, David Cournapeau wrote:
I am in no way as experienced as most people on this
list for audio
programming, but I don't see why C/C++ should be the only way to write
software to handle audio stream, neither do I see why GC would be the
only useful feature. For example, having language constructs to
explicitely handle "time line" sounds like a good idea to me, and it
looks like both Faust and chuck enable that.
there is no universal agreement on how such features should work. if you
provide a "language" in which this is possible, you're really providing
an application (such as supercollider).
a some builtin language idea about what a playlist looks like ? there
are many variants on the idea of a playlist, and i don't think you can
usefully provide abstract building blocks (which is what a language is
for) and support all the variations without compromising at least one of
those goals.
faust, btw, has no concept of a timeline in the sense that chuck does.