--- Steve Harris <S.W.Harris(a)ecs.soton.ac.uk> wrote:
You could use SRC to do the downsampling
I think therers also a wavelets function that can do
correlation of audio
more effeciently than a linear search, but I might
have just dreampt it :)
- Steve
Thanks, Steve. I ended up just averaging every n
samples to do the downsampling. This way allowed me
to use a default downsampling factor of 1/10, which
isn't bad.
The following file types are now supported: Mp3, Ogg,
Wav, and Raw. The program can also be piped to over
stdin, so long as the piped input is raw.
Requires sox and mpg123. You can grab it at
http://jaydolan.com by clicking on the "etc" page.
It's GPL'ed. Feedback/criticism is welcome. Thanks
for your help, guys :)
Jay Dolan
Software Engineer, Systems Analyst
Windmill Cycles, Inc.
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