On 08/25/2013 10:33 PM, Adrian Knoth wrote:
On Fri, Aug 23, 2013 at 12:48:22PM +0100, Chris
Goddard wrote:
Hi Adrian
Let me CC Robin and LAD on this one.
> Hope you don't mind me contacting you directly, but I have a
> question regarding the RME TCO option and how it is supposed to
> work. I saw your name on some ALSA commits relating to the TCO
> recently and thought you would at least be the right person to start
> by asking.
> The TCO can read ltc, but once it has done that how does it
> communicate that time information tothe user space ? If I was, say,
> running Ardour and wanted it to chase this ltc what would Ardour
> need to do to make use of it ?
can't say how you get at the TCO input, but thanks to robin's recent
work, ardour can chase an incoming smpte ltc signal. it is just another
audio signal, connected to ardour's ltc input port.
fwiw, you don't need a TCO to chase LTC at all. the TCO is interesting
if you want to generate LTC in hardware, or if you want to _sync_ to
LTC, i.e. recover a clock signal from it.
Jörn Nettingsmeier
Lortzingstr. 11, 45128 Essen, Tel. +49 177 7937487
Meister für Veranstaltungstechnik (Bühne/Studio)
Tonmeister VDT