On Sat, Oct 03, 2009 at 11:58:42AM +0100, Rui Nuno Capela wrote:
the new qjackctl dbus thing is just about controlling
qjackctl itself,
i'll repeat, qjackctl and NOT jackd. although it controls the later
indirectly as the former was devised to get access to the qjackctl
"start" and "stop" service functions from outsiders, eg. from an
external script or user process--in fact, it was primarily suggested to
make it easy for integration with suspend/resume scripts.
With the new release is it still possible to
- start qjackctl while you have an already running jackd,
and have it connect to that jackd,
- and later terminate qjackctl and leave the jackd rumning,
- repeat this as many times as necessary ?
This is sort of essential to the way I use qjackctl today.
Io lo dico sempre: l'Italia รจ troppo stretta e lunga.