On Tue, 31 Aug 2004 14:28:50 +0100, Steve Harris wrote
On Tue, Aug 31, 2004 at 11:43:16AM +0100, Dave
Griffiths wrote:
Hi all,
Ok, so I'm playing with osc (currently doing gui->app communication with it)
but all my individual apps still talk midi between them. This is quite
cumbersome, as I want to start having lots of controls that midi doesn't
support - and I don't really "think" in midi these days anyway.
Is there a case now to ditch midi support and go with osc for everything? I
see midi messages are a type within osc anyway - is it fairly straight forward
to be backwards compatible this way?
Yes, though the 'm' type is quite limited, its an address byte (MIDI
port number or something) and 3 bytes of MIDI-ness.
No good for SysEx or anything like that and you have to normalise running
status. Good enough for notes, CC's and such though.
That's probably enough for me.
The obvious problem you're likly to hit is that
you still need to speak
alsa-sequencer or something in order to get events from controllers.
You can go pure-OSC by accepting OSC 'm' types or occam format OSC messages
and writing a simple, external and resuable MIDI->OSC converter.
Might well have a go at this for hardware midi control. For OSC->MIDI though,
the only thing I might have a go at controlling that isn't my own software at
this point is supercollider, and that talks OSC anyway.
BTW, if you have reasonable OSC covereage I'd be
very interested in
compatibility tests between whatever you're using and liblo.
Very early days, I've only implemented simple messages so far - but I'm using
liblo for my server and some python I've nicked for the client
Seems flawless so far though, and liblo's got a nice clean api.