yesterday I released ecasound-2.2.0-pre4 (approaching
next stable release, yay!), which has a few JACK-specific
- new command-line syntax for specifying inputs and
outputs, see:
- uses the new alsa_pcm:capture_x + playback_X syntax
(requires JACK 0.40 or newer ==> CVS!)
You can find the package at:
And now to the main point: 2.2.0-pre4 comes with an updated
version of ecasignalview. Combined with the new JACK syntax,
ecasignalview now suits quite well for monitoring JACK-clients.
The basic syntax is:
ecasignalview -b:XXX -f:32,YYY,ZZZ jack_auto,foo_client null
... where:
XXX = buffersize (jackd's -p:XXX)
YYY = number of channels you want to monitor
ZZZ = sample rate (jackd's -r:ZZZ)
foo_client = any JACK client which uses out_X
style port names
The meters are drawn with ncurses, while values are queried
through the ECI API (ie. ecasignalview is only linked
against libc and libstdc++, not for instance against
libjack). The output looks like:
... there are a few known bugs, but in general it works
quite well. While not really a huge challenge for Steve's
meterbridge ;), should be of interest to some of you.
Audio software for Linux!