On Sun, 2006-07-16 at 17:28 +0000, carmen wrote:
i notice this file:
http://lv2plug.in/spec/lv2.ttl is
in the nicely readable turtle format. my main question is, whether this will be
transformed to RDF-XML during 'make install' or perhaps by the developer
themselves (Eg, similar to leaving a configure script around for those who dont have
mainly beacuse, it seems RDF-XML is the dominant serialization format, and having this
additional dependency stand in the way means, at the very least one can't use Pyrple
out of the box. i installed Redland and the Ruby and TCL bindings, and both conspicuously
left out the "Redland::Parser.turtle" method, presumably beacuse i dont have it
installed (and it's not in portage...)
Why would you want to take a nice, readable format, and translate it
into the confusing bloated mess that is RDF/XML automatically and by
default? Because some particular toolkit can't read N3/Turtle yet?
If the toolkit you want to use sucks, then you can convert the N3/Turtle
to RDF/XML yourself easily enough...