for anyone in Sydney, Australia, we're starting up a monthly Linux Audio
and music SIG, with the first meeting this saturday ... this is a special
interest group of the Sydney Linux Users Group, hosted by the Department
of Contemporary Music Studies at Macquarie University. It's being
organised by Denis Crowdy of that department. I'll demo some JACK stuff
because it rocks, and we can all make some noise. Erik of Secret Rabbit
Code (libsamplerate, oh and libsndfile) will be there, as will Steve K of
the Debian ALSA Psychos. It's free, bring your gear, hubs, speakers, mics
and headphones, and let's crank it up cos there's no neighbours for a mile
around :)
details at
http://www.slug.org.au/, announcement copied below!
----- Forwarded message from Denis Crowdy <dcrowdy(a)pip.hmn.mq.edu.au> -----
From: Denis Crowdy <dcrowdy(a)pip.hmn.mq.edu.au>
To: announce(a)slug.org.au
Date: Thu, 8 May 2003 18:45:07 +1000
Subject: [SLUG-ANNOUNCE] Music/ Audio group meeting
First Meeting of SLAG (Slug Linux Audio/ music Group)
(or the more rhythmic SLUGAMuSIG - best said in three I reckon).
When: Saturday, May 17; 10am onwards
Where: Macquarie University, Department of Contemporary Music Studies,
building W6A, room 607
As discussed briefly at the last SLUG monthly meeting, a place and time
has been organised for people interested in music and audio with Linux.
The plan:
10am - Arrive and set up machines for those bringing computers in.
Coffee, getting organised.
11am - Conrad Parker will present a demonstration of Jack
http://jackit.sourceforge.net/) - an audio connection kit, and
associated apps.
Lunch (bring with you, or bring money...); options include The Ranch
(pub) and Macquarie Centre.
After lunch - general discussion, assistance with installation (ALSA,
for example), audio and the 2.5 kernel, demos, playing, making music and
so on.
A relevant map of Macquarie is at
http://www.ccms.mq.edu.au/crowdy/macmap.html. The best way to get to
the Music Department (on the 6th floor of building W6A) is from the
Balaclava Rd entrance (opposite Woolies from Epping Rd). The closest
parking is "W4", and costs $6.00 for the day.
For people arriving at various times through the day, the front door
might be locked, but we'll keep an eye out, or call me on 0408 478 802.
Denis Crowdy
Department of Contemporary Music Studies
Macquarie University
NSW 2109 Australia, ph: +61 (0)2 9850 6787, fax: 9850 6593
SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Announcements List -
More info:
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