Am Donnerstag, 27. November 2003 11:42 schrieb vincent.touquet(a)
I am contemplating buying a laptop of some sort, to
develop on.
I was wondering how many of you are using an x86 laptop and how
many are using a ppc laptop :in
I am using a Powerbook G3 500 and a G4 1.25 both
with gentoo. They are
simply great, quiet, cool, powerful (at least the G4 one) machines :-)
The new AlBooks DO have mic-in and line-in again!
Stay away from nvidia on any non-x86 platform, you will never get a decent
driver for those graphics-boards, whereas ATI-drivers at least offer good
2D-performance on newer chips and eventually will offer full
OpenGL-support. (read: ATI is more helpful than nvidia, though their
support of the dri-project lags a bit behind their
Have fun*