Inspired by the Vocaloid thread, an old idea sprung back to mind;
retro "chip style" speech synthesis.
Is there a simple, minimalistic, Free/Open Source phoneme-to-audio
synthesiser out there? I'm not terribly interested in the
text-to-phonemes part and other higher level stuff, as I intend to
use this for sound effects in games and (other) toys. Doesn't hurt if
CPU and memory requirements are very low, but I'm probably going to
render words and phrases off-line anyway (at install or load time),
for later processing as normal sound effects.
//David Olofson - Programmer, Composer, Open Source Advocate
.- Audiality -----------------------------------------------.
| Free/Open Source audio engine for games and multimedia. |
| MIDI, modular synthesis, real time effects, scripting,... |
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