On 07/29/2010 02:35 PM, JohnLM wrote:
On 2010.07.28. 22:06, fons(a) wrote:
Compared to conventional 5.1 pairwise panning the
result will be
more even, without emphasising the speaker locations as would be
the case otherwise. In other words, the sound will be much less
seem to originate in the speakers.
I stumbled on your own AMB-Plugins. :)
They seem to do pretty much what I need. Mono->B-Format panner provides
only angle controls.
yes. panning is only concerned with angle of incidence, whether in
ambisonics, VBAP, or pair-wise stereo.
So from what I can understand, if I apply doppler
effect, distance
attenuation and other pre-process filters to a mono input and then push
it through the panner plugin I get fairly correct representation of
sound in 3D space. Right?
depending on what you mean by "fairly correct", "representation", and
"3D space" :-D
doppler would come into play only if you change the distance of the
sound, not when you move it on the sphere, as the distance remains constant.
when you hand-craft distance cues, you should not expect wonders for
sounds originating inside your sphere of speakers. travelling through
the center quickly can be made to work, though.
I failed to find anything discussing mixing in AMB.
Can I just sum the
channels of all sounds, like I would do it to any
"direct-speaker-to-channel" formats?
yes. that's a fundamental property of all linear systems, and
independent of the signal representation.
i've written a little howto for ambi mixing in ardour a while ago, maybe
you'll find it useful:
for lac2010, i tried to find out how ambisonic mixing can be applied to
a pop production:…