On Sun, Jun 26, 2011 at 02:54:48PM -0400, gene heskett wrote:
I do not see how a repeatable, and therefore
measurable quadrature
component can be developed in a complex, multi-frequency waveform since the
quadrature component is just as frequency dependent as any other method of
The 'quadrature component' of any waveform can be found by
applying a Hilbert transform. Which in this context means
just a FIR filter. It will have some delay, but if the
only purpose is measurement that's no problem.
Since the human ear is not sensitive to phasing, other
than diffs between
the two ears from delay/echo/reverb effects that help us determine
direction of src, to me, this argument is moot and possibly a waste of
This is utter nonsense. You could as well claim that the
earth is flat disk and ignore all evidence that it isn't.
If you want to contribute anything useful, please stop
spreading this sort of manifest lies.