Yes, Taybin responded to the column with a correction. It was my bad,
and you're right about the list policy. I'll add a correction to that
statement in the next column.
Best to all,
== dp
Jack O'Quin wrote:
Joern Nettingsmeier
<nettings(a)> writes:
reading this morning i found that the
linux journal has a new
linux audio column in their online edition, written by dave phillips.
the current issue is at .
Many thanks to Dave for this fine article. He's done more than anyone
to make Linux Audio accessible to a wide group of users.
One question. Dave states (about linux-audio-announce)...
Posts to this list often and sometimes annoyingly are cross-posted
to LAD and LAU, but hopefully it will become the preferred list for
letting the public know about new and updated releases.
I thought from several previous discussions that cross-posting of
announcements was *encouraged*, so that LAU and LAD readers need not
subscribe to LAA. Did I misunderstand this? Dave's point
(announcements only on LAA) actually makes more sense, but I
understood the list policy differently.
Is there an official answer to this FAQ somewhere?