On Tue, 15 Jun 2010 17:53:18 -0700, Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
<nando(a)ccrma.Stanford.EDU> wrote:
On Tue, 2010-06-15 at 22:37 +0200,
fons(a)kokkinizita.net wrote:
> On Tue, Jun 15, 2010 at 09:26:16PM +0100, Rui Nuno Capela wrote:
> > but in a "normal" desktop environment they should not stack up, the
> > just replaces the one before, which stays
there for 3 seconds
They don't stack up, but even without that the automatic
retrial is just a big nuisance. In 99.99% of all cases it
doesn't help, it just keeps on repeating itself, and there
is no way to stop it. At least, [Retry?] should be an
option, but even that is quite useless as pressing [Start]
again is just as easy.
When starting Jackd fails, two windows pop up. My first reaction
is to click [Setup] to find out what's wrong. So now we have
three windows (plus the main one) open. Editing the setup (if
the error is there) doesn't help, and getting out of all this
is just a big mess as Qjackctl won't accept the main close
button as long as any other of its windows is open (why ?),
and they just keep coming back.
So *please* remove this, it's just a big nuisance and I don't
see in what situation it could ever be useful.
I have found the qjackctl automatic retry to not help at all as well.
I would really like for it to go away - is it configurable somehow?
(sorry if this was mentioned in the thread, I have only had time lately
to skim through the lists - where does time go??).
This is how it (does not) work(s) in my case (0.3.6):
- point to a non existing card on purpose so that jackd can't start
- press "Start"
- jackd does not start :-)
- qjackctl pops up a window that says:
"Error: Jack Audio Connection Kit", etc, etc.
- click on "Cancel" (the only option it shows).
- click on "Setup" to fix the problem
- qjackctl pops up the error window again before I'm done
- it has _focus_ so I can't continue working on the "Setup" panel
- click on "Cancel" again
- keep working on "Setup"
- if (managed to fix problem) GOTO FIXED
- pop up window shows up again (I'm old and slow)
- if (do nothing and wait a bit) GOTO WHAT?
- give up and press "Start", jackd starts fine.
Not useful. Not even retrying once. I can't think of a situation where
jackd fails to start on the first time and will on the second try a few
seconds later.
oh my,
fwiw, the retry logic is there since dawn. i can assure you it's been
there for half a decade now ;) it's there for making sure qjackctl connects
to the starting jackd server as a client of its own.
indeed, this logic is some kind of a leftover from the early days. when
machines were slower (in errors per second:) and jackd had some
considerable startup overhead before stabilizing to accept client
the delay between retrials is/was even progressive ie. each retrial takes
a bit longer then the one before, but that's now irrelevant i'm afraid ;)
the retrial code path will be scrapped asap. the only way for you to avoid
qjackctl being stalled due to a (very) slow jackd startup is now giving it
a slack via the start delay configuration setting (cf Setup/Settings/Start
rncbc aka Rui Nuno Capela