The tricky bit would be making the generated C code
enough with regard to issues like:
~floating vs fixed point arithmetic
~block processing vs blockless
~control value representation and rate
~code calling conventions
~the nature of connections between modules
Even ignoring (for a moment) the idea of compiling
for a dsp,
modular synth developers would want to make
different decisions
from each other regarding some of the above points.
Well, you'd also want to make this all language
agnostic as well. just provide an open _standard_ for
how the generated code is supposed to work and how the
xml files are to be constructed. Then, there can be
different implementations. competing implementations.
What makes open source great is that there are a bunch
of modular synths out there and they are all gonna be
great. Differing implementations allows for the
possibility of there being implementations specialized
for different DSPs.
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