On Thu, 2007-09-06 at 11:27 +0200, N. Gey wrote:
Georg Holzmann schrieb:
yep. maybe the gstreamer way is a possible
solutions, or something
similar. they have three categories: good, bad and ugly (which are
also different packages):
gst-plugins-good: a set of good-quality plug-ins under our preferred
license, LGPL
gst-plugins-ugly: a set of good-quality plug-ins that might pose
distribution problems
gst-plugins-bad: a set of plug-ins that need more quality
SVN is one (good) thing, but pre-packaging is very bad. Who will decide
whats good and whats not? There is no indipendent way for all styles of
music. Whats good for electro is bad for classical and so on. So
prefiltering is not the right way. Reviewing afterwards regarding to
cases of use is a more fair system.
well, there are some points, that can be used to judge the quality of
plugins. if a filter is unstable, it is neither good for electro nor for
classical, as you don't hear anything from NANs.
tim(a)klingt.org ICQ: 96771783
Avoid the world, it's just a lot of dust and drag and means nothing in
the end.
Jack Kerouac