Lennart Poettering wrote:
If an application can send PA data in larger
blocks then we are happy
about it and take it. Of course, if the application needs low
latencies then it shouldn't pass huge blocks to us, but instead many
No, generally data needs to be fed _to_ application immediately when it
becomes available after A/D conversion (PCI DMA completion interrupt).
Application(s) process the data and it is ought to go to D/A conversion
on next hardware interrupt (PCI DMA reprogram interrupt), along with
time-synchronous data from other applications. This creates total
latency of inputhw+blocksize+outputhw. Generally input and output
latencies should be around few tens of samples (due to delta-sigma
converter resampling filters etc). And generally blocksize is also kept
around 64 or so.
Yeah? And this matters how to PA?
Lennart Poettering Red Hat, Inc.
lennart [at] poettering [dot] net