Am Dienstag, 1. Mai 2007 schrieb Christian Schoenebeck:
Es geschah am Tuesday, 1. May 2007 22:15 als Thorsten
Wilms schrieb:
I have been working on concepts and mockups on
knobs, radial popup
menus and sliders. Damn and I was already looking for the
source code.
Anyway, some good fresh ideas for the already a bit rusty widget syndicate.
I think such a "fan slider" could be efficiently and pretty be implemented
using Qt4's new vector graphics API which also supports translucency.
I think the fan-slider could get pretty complicated in Qt. Afaik you can only
paint in the own widget. So painting these fans across neighbored widgets
would call for an additional widget popping up...
But with some work it could be possible. :-)
What about starting a Qt-library with some nice faders/sliders and knobs?
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After a month or so log in as root and do a rm / -rf. Or ask your
administrator to do so...