I just added myself and it looks a little funky - the address appears
twice. And then I realized that I can't change the record. Is that
intentional? For example: I am moving soon. How do I change the address?
Send you an email?
Patrick Shirkey wrote:
Thanks for all the helpful feedback.I have updated the
main page for
the djcj site. I have tried to compromise as much as possible.
I also found an annoying bug in the Technical support database which
was dropping some of the variables before they were inserted and
added a table for notes in case you want to be specific about things :)
The database is now working properly again. For those of you who
submitted info but did not see yourself appear you can either resubmit
and I will clean up by hand or you can wait for a couple of weeks
until we have the login scripts working.
Any suggestions for the wording on the page to make it more
representative are appreciated. I want the database to be accesible to
anyone who can provide professional support in any way shape or form
for Linux Audio.
Best regards.
Martin Wolters
Creative ATC
1500 Green Hills Road
Scotts Valley, CA 95066
Phone: ++1 (831) 440-2848
Fax: ++1 (831) 440-2882