2007/11/9, David Olofson <david(a)olofson.net>et>:
On Friday 09 November 2007, Stefano D'Angelo
Well, not
really; you could just wrap the memory manager, adding
a 'manager' field to every chunk. Then you can just throw in
another TLSF manager instance when you need more memory.
The 'manager' field will point the free() wrapper to the correct
manager instance.
Nice, eh? ;-)
Wonderful ;-P
hack TLSF to take a "maximum address span" init argument, so
you can extend the pool as needed up to that limit? You'd just
allocate new blocks with malloc() and instruct the hacked TLSF to
extend to the end of that block, while pre-allocating (throwing
away) any holes caused by unrelated malloc()s.
Maybe I just don't understand, but however doesn't this mean, in
practice, allocating all of the memory right from the start?
No, you'd just construct the manager's internal structures as if you
were going to allocate a pool of the maximum size - but you actually
give it a smaller initial amount of memory.
Provided the allocator actually *works* without a fully populated pool
(I'm not sure about that...), this would allow new memory blocks to
added to the pool later, as long as they're within the address range
defined by the start of the pool and the "maximum address span" that
the allocator was initialized for.
Ah ok, but that would mean being sure that the new pool will be
contiguous to the first one. Then, if TLSF works as I remember, you
would have to either rearrange the bitamp (which could bring to a big
amount of fragmentation too) or have the second bitmap logically
equivalent to the first, and that is in practice what I was
suggesting, except for the contiguity.
> > And
even if you have some background thread doing it when it's
> > needed, I think it's very hard to do that while plugins are
and so allocating and modifying on that memory.
Yes, that's why you can't realloc() the pool. You really have to
add new blocks of memory to it.
Mmmm... in my opinion someone could contact the TLSF authors and see
what can be done.
Yeah, or just read the code (again), for starters.
(I started hacking an RT memory manager for EEL, then
found and
studied TLSF a bit, but that must have been one or two years ago...
Got away with a small RTAI kernel driver + "firm" real time scripting
for that application, and then I've been working on other stuff.)
Cool :-)
I was thinking
that when the memory is "near to saturation", the
allocator could malloc() a new pool whose size is equal to that of
the first pool (maybe using a background thread) so that the bitmap
for the new pool is actually the same.
As I understand it, the bitmap represents the current state of the
pool, so if you allocate a new pool, you'd need a new bitmap to go
with it, or weird things will happen.
Now the
address resolving algorithm
should know in some way that the first pool is full for blocks of
that size or bigger, so the adress should be resolved in the second
pool, and so on.
Wiring additional pools to the out-of-memory condition indeed avoids
overhead when dealing with the initial pool, but it multiplies
overhead when you need to deal with additional pools instead.
Yes, some clever trick should be found. :-)
Maybe one could make use some trick based on the particular geometry
of TLSF pools and relative bitmaps.
Also, how do you know where a free()d block belongs?
Checking the
address against each pool isn't exactly efficient, but perhaps no
disaster for small number of pools...
This is a problem as well :-\
[heresy mode on]
Maybe change values passed to/returned from the allocation/deallocation calls?
[heresy mode off]
Basically, without somehow piggy-backing on the
existing logic of
TLSF, I have a hard time seeing how you could get away with less
overhead than the "wrapped manager" solution I first suggested.
(That "only" adds one pointer per allocated block, and an extra level
of indirection to use the right manager. Not great, but at least it's
simple, lets you add pools of any size, and scales to any number of
It's just that I'm a bit a "purist", however I do agree that maybe
your suggestion could solve the problem, at least until someone goes
deep into TLSF logic.
This is just a
thought... I never really wrote or worked on an
allocator :-)
I did, but only enough to realize that coming up with something really
nice and efficient is a lot of work. :-)
Of course... but also a nice challenging task (which could let you go
insane) :-)
getting back to the initial question, I think that we should
have two separate extensions, one for RT fixed size allocators and
one for "real" RT-safe allocators.
Yes, that probably does make sense after all, considering that it's
quite likely that a lot of plugins will deal only with a small number
of different block sizes, and the fact that a "real" RT allocator
(even a really good one) has quite a bit more overhead than a simple
LIFO pool.
Fine :-) However I would like to hear something from some plugin developer too.