On Tue, Mar 18, 2003 at 08:11:33PM +0100, Lukas Degener wrote:
Sorry... i have moved to a new house and am currently building the
kitchen. so expect my answers to this thread next week...
On the other hand, i think it's not realy the
question what api we use
for modules. (well, a common api wouldn't hurt ;-) )
As i said, i think the real difficult problem would be defining that
comon model. Maybe what jack does is closer to it.
I agree with this - I program free software to try
and find out how stuff
works, that's the fun for me. If I start to get concerned with things like
code reuse and effeciency of time used, it starts to feel like, well -
at work ;)
Lol. :-)
Well ok, you might be right, from the POV of a developer, i think this
is exactly the point: we tend to push our own stuff because it's fun, or
maybe selffullfillment (is this the right spelling?). We also tend to be
not that aware of similar work beeing done somewhere else, at least
that's my impression. Or even worse, we _are_ aware of another project,
but hate it :-)
The first step we should all take, is read each others code and discuss
it here on the list. during the XAP thread Simon Jenkins improved the
sort code of SpiralSynth for example.
All our code is Open and if you know your editor well you can copy paste
very much...
torben Hohn
http://galan.sourceforge.net -- The graphical Audio language