Hi my name is Mark and I have been a silent member for two
years - having very little experience with the in's and out's of
Linux. For many years I have blindly believed that Linux is the
way to go - more because of the concept of Open Source which
ties in exactly with my own belief structure. I have supported
linux for years in the form of mail servers but my own knowing
has been lacking. Recently ( 2 months ago ) I reinstalled all my
systems without the comfort of partitioned disks and windows as
a safety net. To date I have re-installed my system close to ten
times. I am only now realizing that I may have a hdd problem or
hardware in general - although no errors are evident. I have a life
long ambition to make sound - to generate ecstacy - to move
energy - to drown people - to open portals of thought and
recreation to fly - to dream - to enlight. In reality I am stuck with
my finger on the reset button.
My setup - P4 - 256 ram - Slackware 10.0 - linux 2.6.7 -
My problem as an end user - is limitless - while the discussion
group handles issues like left or right up or down this or that it
seems as if you all live in Utopia with perfect systems. My
problems as a beginner are endless.
My linux thought is that the main difference between linux and
windows is that under windows everything is packaged i.e. that
one installation will actually get that desired product to work -
while under linux a lot more time is spent on finding the correct
patches mixes matches reading than end time using/producing.
Obviously linux has flexibility power stability way beyond the
confines of windows or mac but it is the tieing up of those 'loose
ends' which make it easier for a new user to get going that make
the ultimate difference. While windows users have licence issues
some linux users have other.
It matters little to me if one program does something in one way
as opposed to a different way in a different program - i.e. each
program is unique unto itself and should be learnt seperately. My
problem in this area has been to get them to work together or
through each other with results.
I return to my silent world of learning and eventually achieving in
linux but that's my two cents.
I believe in Linux and all that it stands for and wish no insult to
any. Thank you for this moment.
Mark McBride
Cell 08 4414 6809
Tel.: +27 21 462 0044
Fax: +27 21 465 0277
Bitwise Computer systems
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