Sounds neat. Are there any screenshots?
Nah, that's how they hook you. Gotta build it to see ;)
Should be interesting to see if it's applicable for Ardour.
-----Original Message-----
From: Pete Bessman <ninjadroid(a)>
Sent: Jul 31, 2004 9:39 PM
To: linux-audio-user(a), linux-audio-dev(a)
Subject: [linux-audio-dev] [ANN] PHAT version 0.1.0
I'm pleased to annouce, after a solid month of heated debate with X11,
the initial public release of PHAT, the PHat Audio Toolkit. From the
website (
"PHAT is a collection of GTK+ widgets geared toward pro-audio
apps. The goal is to eliminate duplication of effort and provide some
standardization (well, at least for GTK+ apps). It's open source
software, licensed under the GNU GPL, version 2.0 or later."
The debut and flagship widget is the fanslider, designed by Thorsten
Wilm's. The LAU folks may not be too interested in the library as
such, but might like to play around with this widget (hence the cross
post). It comes with a demo program, "phatfantest," which displays
the sliders in all their glory.
Let's actually go somewhere with all this debate about widgets and
standards and such. Contributions are welcome (hint hint). I hope we
can put an end to the Linux Usability Curse, at least in our own
little neck of the woods.
"I saw the movie 'I, Robot' recently, a film based loosely on a book
written by science fiction author Isaac Asimov. In case you're not
familiar with Asimov's writing, here's a list of things the movie had
in common with the book:
* The title."