This is from someone who uses both (including commercial Qt licenses at
work). I prefer Qt because it is more mature and documented better but
there's nothing wrong with GTK++. It shouldn't be a religious issue.
Try 'em both and pick the one you like the best and that fits your
background/style/objective the best.
On Fri, 2004-04-09 at 15:52, Samuel Abels wrote:
On Fri, 2004-04-09 at 22:18, Arnold Krille wrote:
As nice
as Ardour may be, I personaly still prefer the interfaces of
modern UI toolkits, in combination with a nice Object Oriented language
(aka C++ :) ).
If you want to write C++, why do you want GTK??? Use a C++-toolkit like Qt.
Despite the fact that this is often discussed as a matter of religion, I
prefer gtkmm because it fits better into the GNOME environment.
Also, this is from the gtkmm-documentation:…
"QT originates from a time when C++ was not standardised or well
supported by compilers. Its design today is still based upon the choices
available at that time, so it does not play well with more up-to-date
code. Development of QT is still effectively closed - There is still no
public development mailing list, and TrollTech have the normal corporate
conservatism. As an open-source project, its design would have been
improved through public debate, and it would have been possible to
jettison the baggage.
QT duplicates a lot of stuff that is now in the standard library, such
as containers and type information. Most significantly, they modified
the C++ language to provide signals, so that it's difficult to use QT
classes with non-QT classes. gtkmm was able to use standard C++ to
provide signals without changing the C++ language. And we use of
Standard C++ Library containers such as std::string, std::list,
std::vector and their iterators. We even provide STL-style interfaces to
other things such as container children, allowing you to use iterators
and push_back(), etc with these."
So, in essence, gtkmm does it in a more C++ way. :-) (But please let us
not make this a flame; may everyone be free to choose whatever toolkit
he likes best. ;) )
| Samuel Abels | |
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