In my host, I would like to be able to measure how
much time each
individual LADPSA plugin takes. Assuming I do realtime work with the
smallest buffer sizes my system can handle, what options are available
to me to measure time on this small scale? I know that the typical
system calls time and gettimeofday have resolution of 10 ms, which is
no, gettimeofday() has microsecond resolution. on a PII-450, it takes
about 60usec to call gettimeofday(), and about 12usec to execute
inline code to read the cycle counter and then divide by a
pre-established CPU MHz. its really a lot simpler to use
getttimeofday(), but JACK ( has generic code to
read the cycle timer and figure out the CPU MHz if you want to go down
that path.
too big for this purpose. Is there any way to do this?
Is there a
high-res time howto?
no howto. most kernel people try to discourage it with claims about