On Thu, Apr 08, 2004 at 05:54:26PM +0200, Mr.Freeze wrote:
Frank Barknecht wrote:
Sukandar Kartadinata ist working on something
like this for some time
now. See
http://glui.de/proj/gluiph.html for a general project
description (careful, psycedelic website!) and this PDF:
You could start with the PD for PDA project,
which did this, but for
Pd 0.32. We're now at Pd 0.37 on general purpose computers.
I'll definitely not go for an ARM-powered expander!
Let me explain the facts, what I should have done from the beginning:
I'm planning to build a special controller based on the Theremin, with MIDI
and/or CV outs. All material released for free: schematics, software...
IIRC, there was a midi theremin-style controller kit available
from PAiA. Check google, what you want might already exist.
Paul Winkler
Look! Up in the sky! It's DOOD-CHUCKER!
(random hero from