On November 3, 2009 01:22:30 pm Daniel Vidal wrote:
I think this post is [OT] but also i think is the apropiate audience...
I'am now working on making personalized menus for Musix distro. I try to
do this task using the freedesktop rules, using .desktop files and the
"Categories" field. This is a real problem. All audio Apps put
tag... and all apps apear together on a single menu option... Mixers merged
with synths... with DAWs... with virtual keyboards... Well... when the user
chooses the "multimedia" option of system menu... the submenu have three
columns of apps... Only a little set of apps put more specific tag like
"Midi" or "Synthesis"...
This behavoir can be modified using more "Categories" tags describing
more closely the app... But this cant be done without the agreement of
linux apps developers about a clasification...
I can make a proposal to add some tags?
I can see where you are coming from. The Sound & Video menu on my desktop
(E17) is a mess. Categorizing these better would be nice, but I just cannot
see how you will find a way to break it up that most people will agree with.
For instance, I do not necessarily agree with the categories you suggest,
seems like too many IMO.
I would suggest either using very broad categories (max of 3, 4, for example)
or leaving it alone altogether. Even the other non-audio related menus are
questionable across different desktops. An end user can always edit them
if it bothers them that much.
I thought about this also a while ago...
Ubuntu Studio has an extra audio/video production menu
The gnome-main-menu from OpenSuse works also pretty well. You can set
some favourite apps and the others are pretty well organized...