I think we should (and can) keep the desktop and
worlds separate.
I do not agree :) . We're in the free software world, so
there's no need to tell the non-pro-audio-users "use anything
And if they have to be integrated, the
solution will be JACK.
Writing a JACKified app is not
harder (rather the contrary) than for any other API I know.
There could be some libs on top of JACK to make the common
things such as bells and chimes even simpler
{jack_play("boing.wav");}. The only condition is that jackd
should be 100% reliable and monkey-proof, but I think it's
already quite close to that target.
I think so too. We "simply" need some attention from the
desktop guys so they start doing the last work to rech the
I remember that when I started using Linux (SL 8.1)
was quite a hairy thing to have on you system, and a few
months later at the first LAC, there were lots of "killall
jackd" all the time. And now ? When my desktop comes up
qjackctl starts running, and it stays there for as long as
the system is up.
The same for me. Works great.
Best regards