Does this mean that now one can channel ALSA-only aware
apps directly to JACK
and if so, are there any penalties of doing it this way
as oposed to using JAC
K-aware apps (i.e. Sample-sync?)?
Yes, you lose sample-synchronous guarantees. Also, there *might* be glitches
in the audio output of the ALSA apps using this technique, though its
unlikely to happen more frequently than if they were JACK apps.
2) Is there also a plug in ALSA that allows for
non-interleaved cards (i.e. hd
sp) to be directly talked to (i.e. using aplay) since by default aplay complai
ns how the soundcard is not interleaved and hence it fails.
the plughw:N device should take care of this. if not, alsa-devel needs
to know. i can use aplay to play stuff on my hdsp using plughw.