On Wed, Feb 02, 2005 at 02:58:59PM -0500, Eric Dantan Rzewnicki wrote:
I haven't lived long enough or in the right place
to know anything about
this from personal experience. I wish I could personally apologize for
and set right any wrongs of the past or present committed by the
government of this country. But, I can't. I wish I could keep it from
doing anything wrong in the future. But, I can't. I'm just one person
who happens to have been born here. For what it's worth, I _am_ sorry,
and I personally try my best to be a good citizen of the world.
Hi Eric,
You don't have to apologize for anything at all, and please please
do not take my reaction personally or as criticism on your post.
Fact is that perceptions from both sides of the pond are quite
different these days. And if a type like Rumsfeld is stupid enough
to advocate his 'Office of Strategic Influence', that very act will
cast a shadow of suspicion on the credibility of whatever initiative
coming from the US government. It's all quite sad really.
To the best of my knowledge RFA is a news organization
and not involved
in propaganda. A brief history of the company is available here:
Yep, I read all of that. It's a thin line I suppose. And M Street,
within walking distance of the White House, is not the place you'd
expect a really independent NGO (that probably wouldn't be able
to pay for office space at that location :-).
What is so completely incoherent is this: one of RFA's main target
areas is China, and given the nature of that country's regime,
RFA is probably filling a gap there. But at the same time,
thousands of US (and other) firms have no moral objections at
all to be in bed with that same regime and to delocalize their
activities to China.
I sent the job announcement to the list because RFA
has been a
supportive environment for working on and using Free Software.
Applications developed in house are released under the GPL on the
technical operations website:
http://techweb.rfa.org/. techweb also
hosts a public mirror of the debian archive. I personally have the
privilege of hosting the monthly DC Linux Users Group meetings in RFA's
conference room. I see an opportunity here for future use of numerous
linux audio applications in a working digital audio production facility
that puts out 36+ hours of programming each day. I would be honored and
excited if my new boss were to come from the linux audio community.
Sound all very good. Actually I'd fit the requirements quite well, but
I just have no desire to live in the US rigth now...
Greetings from Old Europe,